284 The vault part-2 (1/2)

Rajiv frowned while looking down the scope of his gun as he spoke, ”Damn seems like they got caught and now they are having the best party down there right.”

A man by his side with a binocular spoke, ”So true it is like Christmas came early for them, just look at them moving towards the facility like headless chicken.”

Rajiv snorted at that as he spoke, ”So true now find me some targets, and can't let them accuse us of slacking on our job now do we.”

Meanwhile the group made their way towards the vault as they mowed down their enemies, while Jenna frowned at that upon seeing that Michael spoke, ”Is there something wrong Captain.”

Jenna shook her head as she spoke, ”I do not like this why is there so little opposition, the people should be coming after us in droves yet they are rarely coming after us.

The others frowned at that as Keitaro spoke with a sigh, ”Is it not apparent Captain they are waiting for us to retrieve the research so expect heavy resistance while we will be trying to leave.”

The group let out a sigh as Jenna spoke, ”Well try to save some ammunition soldier.”

A few minutes later the group made its way to what looked like a vault door a couple of people had their computers linked with a panel as they furiously working on it, a couple of shot later their brains were on the floor, both Keitaro and Annelie forced down the vomit down their throat as they went inside towards the vault door, as they went and touched the panels on either side of the vault door, with a key card specially made for it as they punched in the password as a lever appeared on the either side of the vault door as the duo pulled it open the door started to open with a loud creak.

Jeanne: ”Create a perimeter and shoot anything no matter who they step towards the vault and Doctor please hurry.”

Keitaro and Annelie nodded at them as they entered with gusto along with Jeanne following closely after them.

Keitaro could feel his heart pumping as he stepped inside only for their eyes widen in horror as Annelie fell on their knees their entire reason for coming to this place was gone, in front of them laid a destroyed lab with its contents spilt over on the ground, the computers which stored the research data were destroyed beyond repair it looked as if a hurricane had gone through this place.

Annelie looked pale as she spoke, ”No no no no, now what are we going to do the only hope for us has been wasted and gone what are we going to do.”

Keitaro for the first time felt despair he fell on the ground lifelessly seeing him like that both Annelie and Jenna were stunned as Jenna spoke, ”Doctor is something wrong Doctor?”

They had a chill flow down their spine watching someone strong as Keitaro acting like that no matter how hopeless the situation was he was like the one who stood without fear but now it was different as Jeanne went near him Kietaro shook it off as he stood up suddenly as he spoke, ”We have to check for the hard drives, if we can salvage something of the research the humanity is saved.”

Annelie spoke with a frown, ”I hope to doctor we have so much riding on the mission if we cannot salvage the research we are going to lose everything.”

Keitaro nodded at that as he was about to move towards the computer but unknown to him a wraith was watching the trio from up the ceiling it snarled as it lunged towards Keitaro.

”Look out!”, an unsuspecting voice came from his side as he pushed hard causing him to fall on the pile of broken computers, as Keitaro turned he saw a heavily mutated wraith had dropped on them and was now biting on Jeanne's hand he did not wait any longer as he took out his side arm and blew the brains out of the wraith as Annelie rushed towards a bloodied Jeanne as she spoke with fear evident in her voice, ”It cannot be why why it had to be you.”

Jeanne grunted as she spoke, ”Annelie tourniquet my hand now, fast!”

Annelie nodded as she did it just above the elbow as Jeanne spoke, ”Cur off my hand now!”, Keitaro as well as Annelie both froze at that as Jeanne spoke in a hurried tone which was laced with a hint of fear, ”Hurry up do you want me to turn into that.”

Keitari sprung into action as he felt incredibly guilty upon seeing Jeanne like that after all the wraith had aimed at him but where as he had survived Jeanne was bitten.

Keitaro: ”I doubt there is anything that can cut your arm of.”

Jeanne had a look of fear on her face before she gave of a resigned smile as she spoke, ”I see then let us go Doctor I will help you as much as possible but the moment I start turning promise me, promise me you will kill me, I was born as a human so please let me die as one but at the same time grant me the request to help you to the end.”