269 Giving out Gifts Part-1 (1/2)

”Have you packed your socks?”


”Your Toothbrush?”


”Oh, and what about your passport?”

”It is inside my handbag.”

”Your underwear…”

”Grandma you help pack everything, everything is packed correctly.”

Toshiro smiled at the grandmother and grandson duo as he spoke, ”Love please calm yourself, if anything goes missing I will simply but it for him when we reach there.”

Tsume sighed as she spoke, ”I know you will buy it but still, Kei should be diligent regarding these things from the beginning.”

Keitaro rubbed his temples as he spoke, ”I understand grandma but I have still more than 3 months left for the academic year to begin, there is no need to pack so early.”

Tsume placed a placating hand on Keitaro as she spoke with a nervous smile, ”I know I know, but I was simply rehearsing so that when the day comes it goes along smoothly.”

Toshiro winced at that inwardly as he sighed, 'My beloved wife is slowly started to forget and getting things jumbled up like today she thought was the day we would leave, it is bad I will have to consult doctor even I have to force her, she is the corner stone of our life, if something happens to us both Kei and I would be devastated, and the worst thing I cannot tell Kei about it he would be so worried.'

Meanwhile back with the Kagurazaka family things were becoming worst from bad, the entire scandal their eldest son created had caused a huge fallout which led to the dissolution of various treaties and agreement their company had with others resulting in a loss as their share value plummeted to an all time low threatening to bankrupt their business.

Kazuyuki had been enraged because he was denied even more property and money, he was alone as his parents were busy dealing with the fallout, 'tch of all things to happen I bet it was one of those sluts, yes one of them and I can hazard a guess who it was, it must be Miyuki, that damn whore decided to get pregnant, like I would pay for the upbringing of that bastard in fact she should be honored to carry my children and raise him or her, but for her stunt I will not let her leave, she must die how dare she believe she had the chance to stand by my side, it is time for her to die since she exposed found out and my other lovers.'

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With that thought he picked his mobile phone only to stop, 'wait a second what if someone else did it, then I will have to kill the others as well.', he found a number which he dialed as the other side received his call he spoke, ”Hello Aniki, I have a job for you.”

”Yes I know I will pay you a 500,000 Yen for each.”

”Yes, Yes faster the better, although I do not care for the method do whatever you wish with them, I just want them dead.”

”Ok I will send you their identity.”

With that he cut the phone as he started messaging the pictures of all the females he had affair with along with their contact details, as he send the last details he sighed happily, 'Now they will be gone and everything will be alright.'

Later that night when the family of three was having their dinner, the situation was a bit tense except for Kazuyuki, who seemed exceptionally happy, causing both Toyoharu and Yukari to get curious at that.