259 The Commander Part-3 (1/2)
The combined might of all the soldiers present pushed them to the ground as those who were not even an Immortal promptly found themselves having their face planted on the ground as Ryuu looked down at them with a smirk on his face, when suddenly Narcisa spoke with a pleading tone, ”Please Long Yu there has been a mistake about something.”
Cleto turned towards Narcisa as he spoke, ”You know him?
Narcisa nodded at that as she spoke,”Yes, I have met him a decade ago, he was a peak Zifu Disciple when he was a 7.”
Cleto as well as everyone's eyes widen at that except the soldiers of Shangri-la who gave no visible emotions suddenly a grin formed on Cleto's face but before he could speak his second wife shouted out, ”I am Caley the overseer of Shangri-la, please cease this incessant foolishness I am under direct order of Her Hig…”,
Ryuu spoke angrily, ”You traitor be silent, you dare slander the name of Her Highness.”
CLeto then shouted out at the top of his voice, ”I Cleto hereby challenge Long Yu for our right to freedom and unfair treatment, as such with Heaven's as my witness I call upon a cultivator's honor and I initiate a Cultivator's Duel.”, he pointed towards Ryuu as he finished in a dramatic flair.
Ryuu turned towards the leader of the battalion as he whispered to him, ”What is this thing 'Cultivator's Duel' I have never heard of it, do you know what it is?”
The person shook his head as he spoke, ”No idea but I believe he wants to pick a fight with this 'Long Yu' person.”
Ryuu once again spoke in whisper, ”So do you have any person who is called 'Long Yu' among your battalion.”
The commander replied back to in a hush tone, ”Well no there is none who shares that name.”
Ryuu suddenly turned towards them and spoke in an apologetic, ”Sorry mister unimportant person last I check there is no one named 'Long Yu' amongst us so please surrender now without making a fuss.”
Narcisa spoke in disbelief, ”But but you all those years ago said your name is 'Long Yu'.”
Ryuu shrugged as he spoke, ”I lied.”
Only for a bright red glow to appear around Cleto who shouted out in glee, ”So long you losers, hahahaha.”, with the glow intensified as he disappeared from others sight only for a loud scream full of pain to reach everyone's ears as a bloodied pale looking Cleto slammed on the ground causing a big crater on the ground while the pressure on the criminals increased even more causing many to lose their consciousness.
Ryuu snorted at that as he spoke with a smile on his face, ”Idiot did you not think I would have taken precautions about any form of 'Emergency Escape Talisman.'”, before he turned towards the leader of the battalion as he spoke, ”Please capture them already.”
One of the no name members of the Mendez clan spoke with contempt laced in his voice as he spoke, ”Take another step towards us and we will kill all the sacrifice, you would have your hands full with innocent blood.”, he finished with a cruel smirk as he thought he and the others could escape by holding them hostage.
Ryuu simply let out a large yawn as he spoke, ”Why you all are waiting here please capture them already.”
The soldiers moved in order to capture them as the man kept screaming along with the would be sacrifices both screaming out of fear but for different reasons, and soon the group was captured including the 'Great One' who was unconscious during the entire ordeal, as the screaming and crying criminals were dragged away Ryuu made his way towards the so called guards of Mendez family who were about to be sacrificed in order to open the array as he spoke, ”You people are free to leave though next time please beware of where you seek employment.”
The group nodded fearfully as one of them spoke, ”But benevolent Hero sir, what if they try to kill us then.”
Ryuu gave them a small smile causing all of them to blush mostly the females as he spoke, ”Do not worry about that the clan mark is actually a branding done using array, its purpose is just to paralyze you all not kill you but when I freed you from your fate the branding was destroyed as such you all are safe, well then I am leaving.”
”Please wai…”, before anyone could say anything Ryuu moved so fast it seemed as if he had disappeared from their sight, as one of them spoke, ”Was that a celestial being he was so gorgeous so breathtaking and he spoke to meeeeeee!”