231 Cultivators Market Part-3 (1/2)

Ryuu was as giddy as a child inside a candy store, this was the first time he had visited any form of cultivators market, it was surely a large carnival, and there were so many people buying and bartering, so many things some of which he had never seen before.

A group of people were watching a play with wide eyes which attracted Ryuu's attention, as such he went near them as he stood there watching the play Veena came by his side as she spoke, ”The play is nice isn't it.”

Ryuu nodded at that as he spoke, ”It is so beautiful, and heartwarming, the actors and actresses are simply otherworldly.”

Veena stifled a laugh as she spoke, ”Really are you sure Ryuu, that what you are watching is even real.”

Ryuu was confused at that as he spoke, ”What do you mean by that teacher?”

Veena simply smiled as she tapped Ryuu's shoulder, suddenly the world distorted in front of him, there people still standing reacting as if they were watching the play but instead of the play a few distance away from them was a woman her face covered in veil meditating, with various items mostly seeds placed in front of her.

Veena: ”That woman over there her name is 'Xiang Yawen', the woman you saw a day ago playing an instrument and singing during the banquet she is her master. The illusion placed over this place is her doing, only those who have detected it may buy from her, as such you have failed to do so.”

Ryuu winced at that as he spoke, ”Sor…”

Only to get bopped on his head by Veena as she spoke, ”Why are you saying sorry for such a trivial matter, she is so strong even when your mother was alive she would have failed to detect the illusion, so fret not there are many things in this universe which at your current level no matter what you do you may never overcome this is one of those things. Now let us go and greet her.”

Veena along with Ryuu moved towards Xiang Yawen as Veena spoke to her, ”Sister Xiang it has been a while.”

Xiang simple nodded as she opened her eyes as she glanced at the duo while her as a voice appeared in both Ryuu and his teacher's voice, to Ryuu it seemed as if it was the most beautiful voice he had heard, ” Sister Veena what a pleasant surprise how have you been?”

Veena smiled as she spoke, ”I have been well sister, and your student did a remarkable job on the first day of the banquet, if she continues she might surpass you eventually.”

Xiang smiled at that as her voice once again appeared in their head, ”Thank you for such a compliment sister.”

Ryuu by then was confused why she is not speaking at all through her mouth but sending telepathic messages, Xiang turned towards Ryuu as her voice appeared in their head, ”Is this your disciple I am hearing about?”