189 Spar (1/2)

Held in Frozen Sky's hand was the ugliest piece of armor Ryuu had ever seen, it was clay colored bloated with pipes running from a box at the back as it joined a mask while it ended on a circular disk.

Aliyah: ”Teacher what is that ugly thing?”

Frozen Sky: ”This ugly thing is something that you will have to wear during your stay inside the hidden space.”

Ryuu meanwhile took the armor as he inspected it, 'hmmm my personal armor has better arrays on it as well as the material used to make it are more durable, and is that a glass visor on the mask, hmmm, this array are good at peak Void Immortal level, what a cheapskate they should have tried to provided much better armors. Oh well he will tinker with them on his free time.'

Frozen Sky: ”I know that this are not the best looking armor but believe me they will provide much better safety for you all, this armor better known as 'The Hazard Suit', is made for using it during hazardous situations and do not worry Flames and I will update the arrays on them, Junior brother do you wish to join us.”

Ryuu nodded at that, 'They are strong cultivators maybe I will be able to learn a thing or two for them.', after all his teachers always told him to keep his eyes and ears open who knows what he might learn during his journey.

They were discussing about the topography of the place when a sudden knock on the door brought their attention, Ryuu stood up as he went towards the door as he opened he was greeted by an unknown person but from the white uniform and the markings he deduced that the person was a staff from Shangri-la, ”Greetings Seniors and adventurers my name is Lar, I came to inform you that it is already late evening as such the visiting hours had ended so I would request the visitors to leave for today you may visit tomorrow morning again.”

Frozen Sky stood up as she sighed loudly followed by others, ”Well looks like our session is cut short, see you all tomorrow and oh I hope you would not mind sparing it is a great way to form a bond, I hope you do not have a problem Junior Ryuu.”

Ryuu: ”Of course not senior, I also believe it will be nice if we could gauge each other s strength and weakness and analyze our fighting styles it will be great.”

With that the two Mystic Immortal level cultivators along with Lu Wu bade them farewell for the night.

”Well I propose we leave most of this things as it is.”, Alhma spoke as she pointed towards the notes, charts and what not.

Aliyah seconded her proposition, ”I like it sister, since one of the lower beds is being utilized along with the study tables I will occupy top of the other bunk bed. But now I think do we cook or do we visit the cafeteria?”

Ryuu mused on the matter as he spoke, ”I believe we should visit the cafeteria and if we find the menu unappealing we can cook our own meal.”

At that they all agreed but before they could leave Alhma spoke, ”I think even before that we should take a peek at the pantry as well.”

As such they went to take a peek at the pantry which was stocked with various flours, vegetables, a few cartons of eggs and what not.

They approached the bustling cafeteria which instantly became a graveyard, upon the trios arrival as everyone whispered and pointed fingers towards them specially Ryuu who felt as if he was some form of exotic animal from the zoo, Ryuu let out an audible sigh as he whispered,”I regret coming to the cafeteria now.”

Aliyah who was also frowning at the attention vested on her and her teammates, ”Should we head back.”

Ryuu: ”No we have come all this way and if someone wants to gawk at us let them gawk and bask at our presence, we do not have time to waste on them.”

As such the trio made way towards the buffet table, Ryuu simply took a plate, and then he took some salad and an entire large size of dish known as pizza and a glass full of a carbonated drink.