175 The sCures for the sick sPatientss (1/2)

Maheswara face palmed himself hard as he kept muttering 'not another one', over and over again.

As two of his wives glared hard at the giggling third wife Celestia who spoke with a coy smile, ”Oh come on don't be such a stick in the mud, he was natural as such I just gave him a push in the right direction nothing more nothing less.”

”What are you talking about mother?”, came a curious voice from behind.

They turned around to see their daughters arriving, Maheswara smiled at them as he spoke, ”We were speaking about your baby brother.”

Antariskh looked interested as he spoke, ”Really what did he do this time.”

As they were narrated the recent events by their parents the trio burst out laughing loudly.

Sylvana spoke trying to reign in her breath, ”This is so hilarious, w-wh-who in their ri-right mind loots a theme park thinking it to be some kind of pirate cove.”

Shamiran replied to her as she wiped the tears that had gathered on her eyes from laughing so hard, ”Only someone who believes some scatterbrained fishes.”

They finally controlled their laughter as Sylvana asked, ”What did mother mean by natural?”

Celestia gave a wide smile as she spoke, ”Ah about that you see….”

A few minutes ago with Ryuu,

Yura summoned her spear from space ring as she spoke with disgust and hatred, ”What is there to think of them just kill this people and dump their bodies to become vultures' food.”

Ryuu: ”Senior, please be reasonable if you feed them to the poor innocent vultures they might suffer from some strange disease.”

Ryuu had paralyzed but did not make them unconscious, they could perceive every word spoken, every thought of those around them yet they could not react at all but if anyone looked closely they could see anger and hatred burning in their eyes so intense that if they could they would have vaporized Ryuu ten times over.

Akishi: ”What do you suggest we do junior brother?”

The innocent serene smile on Ryuu's face made a few of them blush after all who wouldn't after being saved from their horrifying fate that would have befallen them by some handsome knight in shining armor.

Ryuu: ”My teacher always told me that the rapists are usually very sick individuals who are indeed of immediate treatment as such we as good Samaritans should administer the specialcure to them thus saving them from the clutches of such a horrible disease.”

Tsuji narrowed her eyes as she spoke, ”Oh then o great 'Samaritan', what medicine would you recommend for such unfortunate diseased soul.”

Ryuu simply bend down as he removed a space ring from Uzul's finger as he spoke, ”My how gracious of him he is willing to offer the contents of his space ring for the cure.”, Ryuu then produced a couple of vials of the aphrodisiac Uzul had blabbed about using on the girls.

Seeing the vials caused them to take a couple of steps back as they watched him with wary expression, as Ryuu started speaking, ”Well the treatment consists of using this wonderful medicine contained within this vial, a few good bottles of honey and ant hill.”

Tsuji's eyes widened before she started laughing as she spoke, ”Ryuu if you keep this up I migt fall for you hard, and I like your cure well what are you all waiting for let us carry this imbeciles and administer the cure to them.”

By then all the girls had sported a vicious grin as they looked towards the rapidly paling 'patients' of Ryuu.

”My sisters, my beloved are you alright”, came a shout which drew their attention towards a figure that was flying towards them closely followed by a group of armored guards.

Tsuji placed her hands on her hips as she gave a mocking glare, ”My dear brother I send you a distress signal and it took you so long to appear, what you would have done if something happened to us.”

The newcomer in a silver colored armor just grinned sheepishly as he smiled, ”Sorry sister I was a little late.”, before his eyes turned cold as he spoke, ”Now please tell me who decided to harm you.”

As the incident was narrated to him he grew increasingly furious as he glared balefully at the figures prone on the ground specially the people who were supposed to guard his sisters the sworn protectors of his country.

Ryuu suddenly took out a few dozen of array talismans which hovered around him.

Akishi: ”Daoist Ryuu what are you doing?”

Ryuu: ”Nothing much but when I rescued you I simply reversed the effect of the array talisman lying over there but it will lose it effect soon as such I will be placing my own arrays on them.”

They watched with wide eyes as Ryuu's fingers shone with bright greenish light as words seemed to forming around them as he simply touched the arrays and complex array appeared on them to others it looked like as if a great conductor was conducting an orchestra as he skillfully and delicately moved his hands the 'musicians' of the orchestra responded in kind.