164 Wonderful Tea Part-2 (1/2)
Lady Brice bristled with anger as she spoke, ”Listen child we have tolerated your disrespect enough who are you to judge someone specially Samuel who had tirelessly worked for Shangri-la an outsider like you has no business sticking your nose where it does not belong to.”
Ryuu gave a small laugh as he spoke, ”Hahahahah wow you really know how to crack a joke?”, only for her to glare hard at Ryuu.
Ryuu gave a surprised look as he spoke, ”Oh my you were serious, just wow then please my lady please on who gave you the right to stick your Royal nostrils into a quarrel between with Samuel and I? Not only has he already confessed his crimes but is also ready to accept any punishment he might receive so why are you trying to cover the rotten fish with leaves.”
This time Michelle was the one who spoke, ”Young man do you even know who you are trying insulting.”
Ryuu sighed as he spoke, ”Your Highness yesterday a cretin insulted you all yet you swallowed all those words without protest do you know why?”
Only to be replied with silence as with a smirk he continued speaking, ”It is simple he or in fact his progenitor held your Empire's existence on a lease and when it comes to me you people are deluded with the thought that no matter what I try or what I do I will be at your mercy and I will not be able to do any harm to you all.”
Emperor Broderick: ”Now see here....”
Ryuu spoke in a chastising voice, ”Ah ha do not try to deny it Emperor, you tried to take advantage of me I understand your plight and I am very sorry for the condition of your Empire while you have to fend for enemies both inside and outside your Empire, but the truth at the end of the day is that you have lied to me, then tried to manipulate me and more importantly you not only deny the truth but also fail to acknowledge your mistake.”
Ryuu then spoke with a sigh,”Well then I have nothing more to say to all of you I will be taking my leave.”, with that he stood.
Lady Brice suddenly spoke up, ”Now wait a minute you….”
Ryuu turned as he glared at her, ”Shut up! If you all had approached me without lying I would have helped but unfortunately not only you did not but you also tried to manipulate me and I do not like lairs as well as filthy manipulators such as you lot, here take this.”
Ryuu dropped a couple of files as he spoke angrily, ”If I wanted I could make use of this files and twisted them used with the help of your own laws against you and have the entire economy of your own Empire in shambles a civil war would have torn the Empire into pieces for the vultures circling you all would have easily finished what would have remained of your precious homeland but instead I chose to be the better person as such I am returning to you without ant strings attached, and sinceI already helped you against your internal enemies do not expect any further help from me.”
Human mind truly worked in an amazing way, all this time General Vincenzo who had kept mostly quite through the entire ordeal burst out in anger, he had to suffer insult from Dominik and his spawn he had to keep a leash on his temper while they even insulted his Majesty to whom he had sworn his loyalty but when Ryuu today insulted the Emperor no matter how justified he might seemed to be General Vincenzo could not longer reign his temper anymore as such he burst out with unsuppressed fury as he shouted no ordered with the top of his voice, ”All ROYAL GUARDS SEIZE THIS SCOUNDREL.”, no sooner did he uttered the command a group of 50 Royal Guards charged in as they surrounded Ryuu, who idly took notice as the Guards flared their aura that five of them were low level Immortal where as the others were of various level with the lowest being of Primal Daoist realm.
Ryuu sneered as he spoke, ”Your Highness do you wish to wage a war against me?”
Ryuu knew that he was stronger than most but there were those who were stronger than him and even if he could overpower them with trickery he was deep inside enemy territory who knows what trick they had hidden here, although his sister was nearby and would rescue him in a heartbeat but he did not wish it he wanted to get himself out of this situation through his own means as since his birth he was the one being rescued every time anything dangerous happened to him.