100 Punishmen (1/2)

Aika had never in her short life felt so much fear, she for over a couple of millennia had worked as a maid for The Royal Family of Ayindril, after a long and arduous journey she had succeeded in reaching her position of Senior Maid. In Ayindril the maids are all divided into 5 categories, 'Apprentice Maid', 'Junior Maid', 'Maid', 'Senior Maid', 'Head Maid', currently she was Senior Maid as such she was well accustomed to the punishments and rewards granted to the people of Ayindril, and she knew she had failed she should have gone with the others and now even death seems like mercy to her.

She took with great speedtowards the Imoogi with intense hatred in her eyes, at least if she bring backs the Imoogi's head the Royal Family might just grant her a swift painless death, only to stop as the Imoogi gave a painful roar as it twisted and turned before it crashed on the ground with a loud bang.

It thrashed on the ground hard causing earthquake strong enough to shake the village, as it painful roar brought chill in everyone's spine. Suddenly it breathed out huge columns of smoke as blood poured out of its mouth before it vomited hard, a small human shaped person fell out of its mouth as the Imoogi regurgitated the contents of its stomach.

Aika did not give the Imoogi any chance as her spear found itself impaling the Imoogi through its skull, as a loud explosion near the stomach area of the Imoogi occurred effectively killing it, she dashed towards the person who was on all four she did not show any form of disdain as the unbearable stench hit her nostrils as from the digestive fluid covered Ryuu, who was now emptying his stomach as the smell was too much for him, she just kneeled beside him as she gently rubbed his back as he vomitied.

She asked with great concern, ”Your Highness are you alright, do you need any help?”

Ryuu just shook his head negatively, as he went to retort her angrily as such he opened his mouth to speak,'Bllluurrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhh', was the only noise that came out of his mouth as he emptied his stomach.

A couple of minutes ago, Ryuu was swallowed by the thrice damned Imoogi, as he was send down the ooey gooey slippery caverns which was the esophagus of the Immogi as he got coated by the saliva he used his sword to stab hard inside the Imoogi's flesh stopping his descend, he simple used his Ki to lit a fire which showed that he was near the stomach of the beast only a large fleshylower esophageal sphincter separating him from the stomach, a cold sweat dripped from his brow he was so glad that he was not inside the stomach itself as a quick plan came into his mind as he gave a devilish smirk.

Ryuu spoke in a tone laced with anger, ”You cheap imitation of a dragon you had the audacity to eat me, I will punish you for your insolence.”

Using the sword as a support he spoke with a devilish grin, ”Let us all burn.”

Soon enough he became the very representation of human torch, a simple skill which was available to him after he gained enough insight in the Supreme Dao of Fire, at first he thought it was a unique trait only to have his joy doused by his teachers as anyone with enough mastery of the five basic elemental Dao could utilize it in such a way.

Currently he was covered in a very powerful conflagration which was visibly roasting the beast from the inside out, suddenly another roar came which caused his ears to start to ringing, he knew he could not hold it for long his Ki was depleting at a visible space, but he did not give up as he started etching a powerful explosion Array on the beast's flesh, then all of a sudden without warning the stomach acid came out along with partly digested carcass of food it had consumed before as Ryuu was carried along with it outside, all the while taking Ryuu a tumble up the esophagus in a rather violent manner causing him to forcefully ingest a bit of those stomach fluids, as soon as he was outside Ryuu detonated array ripping the insides of the Imoogi killing it but then it hit him he was completely drenched in foul smelling stomach fluids of the beast, normally because of his high level he could easily hold his breath up to more than an hour but during his escape he had somehow ingested the disgusted stomach liquid coupled with the smell caused him to vomit, he was feeling sick and dirty his vision stated to swim and soon he lost conciousness.

Ryuu slowly opened his eyes as he saw the smiling visage of his 3rd oldest Sister Shamiran, ”So how are you doing Ryuu we heard how got eaten by an Imoogi are you alright now.”

Ryuu gave a tired smile as he spoke with a hoarse voice, ”I am fine big sister.”

Shamiran gave a smirk as she spoke, ”So did you enjoy taking a dip in Imoogi's stomach fluids?”

Ryuu's face turned an interesting shade of green as he quickly put his hands on his mouth trying to contain the bile that was rising up his throat, as he send a glare towards his sister, the last thing he needed now was to be reminded of his terrible ordeal.

Shamiran picked a glass of as she helped her brother drink it.

Ryuu: ”So when di you arrive big sister?”

Shamiran: ”I arrived within a few minutes after you lost your consciousness, you're other sisters wanted to be here but their wok prevented them arriving here. It was unfortunate that you had to go through such an ordeal rest assured those maids will be severely punished for their incompetence.”

Upon hearing about punishment Ryuu's blood froze, after spending so many years he knew that his sisters were ruthless while punishing someone, and tend to go overboard sometimes, he still remembers a few years ago one of the maids accidently broke a favorite vase of one of his sisters, she was sentenced to a thousand whip lashes.

Ryuu spoke with a kind smile, ”I know sister but they were not at fault we were just caught by surprised, as such the accident took place.”

Shamiran just shook her head as she replied, ”No brother they were slacking plain and simple as such they should be punished.”

Ryuu argued back, ”Sister they were ordered to lower their strength to low Primal Daoist level, as such they were caught off guard as .....”, he stopped speaking receiving a slight glare from Shamiran.