64 Shadow Wraiths (1/2)
Everyone except Bashista who seemed to be meditating surrounded Long Yu who looked a bit smug as he lectured them about Elves, ”Well the man characteristics of Elven people is that they are a little taller than average human, morebeautiful than any human and most importantly they have long pointed ears. The elves are usually of three types, 'Light', 'Dark' and 'High' elves. 'Light' elves have very high affinity for 'Yang', and 'Dark' elves are just opposite, but there elves who affinity for both 'Yin' and 'Yang' they are known as 'High' elves.”
Helen: ”I never knew there are other beings accept Humans and Beasts who can cultivate.”
Long Yu: ”Of course there are many beings like Orcs, Dwarves, and many other humanoid being each of them are different from each other. Like the Elves for example, a mortal human can only live for a maximum of 100 years at best, but the Elves can at least live a couple of thousand years, Dwarves lives for a couple of hundred at least, but even with all these extras my master once told me that humans are the most balanced creature.”
As everyone looked confused Long Yu explained to them, ”Take Orcs for example, they instinctively can follow the path of 'Dao of Asura', every Orc who are not a hybrid, without exception follow this path because they are highly blood thirsty and their society is combat oriented, but we humans can choose to whether we should follow the path or not same for other races as well they are good in a particular path but may not be able to follow other paths like a Dark Elves may never be able to learn anything remotely associated with 'Yang' but we humans are not restricted by such things. It is my dream one day to meet each race and make friends with them.”, he finished with a smile.
The others chatted among themselves, as they themselves are excited about meeting someone from such races. Bashista opened his eyes he cleared his throat in order to bring their attention towards him, ”Well we can discuss about meeting them later, but we have to find a way to hide from 'Shadow Wraiths'.”
Long Yu: ”What kind of creatures are these 'Shadow Wraiths'? I have never heard of these beasts before.”, he tried to recall but no matter how much he tried he could not remember any beast by that name, he discreetly noticed even some of them had confused expression like him while the others had grim expression.
Bashista: ”Shadow Wraiths are no beasts, they used to real life human or beasts but demonic cultivators using their techniques covert their souls into such shadowy creatures to do their bidding, they may not be able to harm us but are great for spying on others. They can phase through solid materials making them impossible to deal with except using some soul related secret techniques, it was only because of your techniques that you were able to spot them.”
Kyouki: ” Is the matter not easy since Long Yu can use his techniques to detect them we can try to avoid them while moving.”
Tina: ”It is not possible the backlash for using it for long time is very severe and puts severe strain on Long Yu, so it would not be possible.”
Long Yu: ”I will try to use it as often as possible, but what about the demonic cultivator that is present here, and is there a way to save those people.”
Bashista: ”Long Yu please do not force yourself too much, we would need your strength and as for those cultivators only who are many realms above them will able to detect them so there is no way for us to identify them at present, as for the 'Shadow Wraiths' the only way to save them is if their master releases them voluntarily I think, I am ashamed to know this is the only way I know of.”
Long Yu frowned at that he did not like that using some poor person's soul like that it really angered him, if he finds that demonic cultivator he will surely beat the crap out of him.
For the past few days, the only thing they did was to bide their time as they waited for the right opportunity, only Ruth Tina and Veronica left during that time as they scouted as much of the area as possible while the others simply gossiped or simply meditated to pass the time, soon it was already the 23rd day since they entered, it was time for them to move, during the time if what the scouts gathered at least more than a hundred passed away, and a couple of times the Shadow Wraith came too close for comfort.