44 I cured them (1/2)
A brown haired man snorted as Long Yu was led away by Cheema he whispered to his teammates sitting near him, ”These apes are idiots, Master Moguu took 15 years full of blood sweat and tears to reach low Xiantian level in Alchemy and here some no name child who still smells of milk is claiming to be not only an alchemist but a poison master as well on top of that he claims to be a peak Zifu Disciple.”
A black haired woman one of his teammates replied while giggling, ”So true brother what a fraud I pity this savage beasts, I do not know what kind of mumbo jumbo he pulled to garner these beasts respect but he is going too far, I would love to see Master Moguu humiliate that idiot, who had been claimed as once in a century genius by the Alchemist Association here in Ulart (The planet where the ruins are located).”
Rest of their teammates snickered quietly, including some other teams who were nearby suddenly a feeling of sadness overwhelmed them, 'damn we are stuck here, we will so miss all the drama, damn what a bad luck.'
Long Yu: ”Miss Cheema I need some people as my assistants, they only need to follow my orders correctly, nothing more nothing less.”
Cheema: ”I understand Mister Long Yu, currently we have near about 500 completely incapacitated here, there are others who are injured but since they can still move are performing various duties, as for assistants I can provide you ten including myself.”
Long Yu: ”It is more than enough, but first answer me this are there any other poisonous beasts associated with the Human faced Spider-scorpion clan.”
Cheema: ”There are some smaller spider clans but the patients here are all poisoned by Human faced Spider-scorpions.”
Long Yu: ”Well I will ask for the other assistants later on for the time being , please take me towards your herbarium, also I need a quite room, I already have a poison sack from Rank 8 Zifu Disciple Human faced Spider-scorpion clan, I will study the poison composition and then try to create an antidote.”
Long Yu was guided to a room near the herbarium where he placed his backpack, and then he took out a big scroll which he opened up and placed neatly on the ground.
Cheema then heard a faint whisper 'Jade hands', she looked in amazement as Long Yu's hands looked like that of greenish jade. She watched in amazement as she saw him gather a small amount of poison on a certain part of the parchment, the poison hissed then vaporized, as a part of the scroll glowed, she watched in amazement as Long Yu put his hands on those parts before removing a small notepad and pen from his backpack, as he furiously began writing down while muttering to himself.
Cheema's eyes seemed to swirl on seeing so names being written then they are being added, before some part being scratched out, while every now and then a creepy giggle would come from Long Yu, which made her want to run away from him out of fear.
After what seemed like an eternity to Cheema, but in actuality a few minute, Long Yu held a piece of paper in front of Cheema, ”Miss please get me the ingredients listed here if you do not have the same then I will try to change them accordingly, oh get me as much as possible.”