32 First day in Kailan (1/2)
Ryuu was guided to well furnished room on par with his room in Ayindril, he without changing his clothes just plopped on the bed all this things were new to him and he was quite scared and nervous he does not want to bring shame to his sisters honor by acting in unsightly in front of others but it was so taxing and tiring he should have just stated back home, at least he knew his teacher would be torture no training him, yeah training him, although he for some reason drew blank when he tried to recall the result of the last spar except waking up in hospital with his ribs screaming in pain.
Suddenly he was broken out of his thought when he heard a knock at his door.
Ryuu: ”Please come in.”
He saw his eldest sister enter his room, Ryuu stood up straight and greeted his sister with a light bow, ”Your Highness, how may we be of service.”
Antariskh just smirked at that,” Brother Stop acting so polite, I came here as your older sister not as an Empress, so act like you do normally.”
Ryuu visibly relaxed at that,” Big sis I do not like this, I thought you brought me to play this things are boring.”, he finished with a pout.
Antariskh just bent down and gave Ryuu a hug, ”Oh do not be sad baby brother, we will attend a festival soon only us siblings, no guards no maids just us, but it s still a few days before it starts, we will have to wait ok, so till then have patience, and if you are patient enough I might take you on a treasure hunting.”
Ryuu was ecstatic on hearing what his eldest sister had planned for him, he just squealed in glee before hugging his sister tightly, ”You are bestest sister ever.”
Antariskh returned the hug with a smile, ”Ryuu get freshened up but before that show me what clothes you have brought with you.”
Ryuu nodded before bringing every sets of clothes his mother packed for him.
Antariskh looked at Ryuu's clothes, ”Nice nice your mother has great tastes, lunch is a few hours from now, you will wear this red robe for today's lunch a maid will come to help you dress up, so see you at lunch.”, with that she tousled his hair and left.”
After she left a maid came in asking his permission, helped him in removing his armor and leading him to his bath, again after a few hours Ryuu dressed in red luxurious robe was led by a maid to the dining hall.
He found himself in a lavish dining hall, with a long table where a small banquet could be held easily.
Ryuu cupped his hand while giving a light bow, ”We wish you a pleasant noon Your Majesty”, before he glanced at his second oldest sister,” Second Princess”, and glanced at his third oldest sister and repeated the same as he did with his other sisters, ”Third Princess”. ”We apologize for our tardiness and we hope Your Majesty may forgive us.”
Antariskh: ”No need to apologize brother, you have arrived on time, please take your seat beside our third sister.”
Ryuu bowed lightly before he went to his seat beside third princess, he was thinking if others will join them, before he could voice his thoughts, he was answered by Sylvana, ”Her Majesty willed that she desired to lunch in private with only her family as such no one will be joining us.”
Ryuu nodded at that, soon the maids wheeled in the foods on carts, a huge plethora of various foods consisting of starter, main and desserts was brought in, he was pleasantly surprised as many of them were his favorite foods consisting of,
Consommé à la Doria
(Game consommé topped with white truffles, and garnished with game quenelles)
Côtelettes d'Agneau à la Rossini
(Lamb cutlets topped with sautéed medallions of foie-gras and truffles)
Cailles Rôties
(Roast quails stuffed with foie-gras)
Pommes-de-terre à l'Indienne
(Roast potatoes dressed in a lightly spiced sauce)
Céleri à la Moëlle
(Celery baked with beef marrow and topped with a cheese and breadcrumb crust)
Quenelles d'Epinards à l'Anita
(Crumbed and fried spinach quenelles)
Aloyau de Bœuf