26 The Demonic Librarian (1/2)

Since that day an entire month has gone by, Ryuu was currently doing pushups while Celestia was sitting under a tree counting,” 496, 497, 498, and 500, ok Ryuu it is enough for today.”

Ryuu collapsed on the spot with his arms and legs sprawled.

Celestia stood up walked towards Ryuu,” Stand up Ryuu, there is no time to be lazing around.”

Ryuu grumbled as he stood up, all of his teachers were running him to the ground all those running, jumping, squats, pushups, he was tired he just wanted to go home and sleep, 'why oh do I have so many demonic teachers', as tears seemed to come out from his eyes no not tears manly sweat poured out.

Celestia sweat dropped at that, the kid has some issues.

She cleared her throat bringing Ryuu's attention on her,” Ryuu you have made immense progress this past few weeks, so we decided it is time for you to learn some new skills.”, Ryuu was extremely happy he would have jumped up in joy but he was still sore from the workout.

Celestia put a hand on his head and teleported both of them in front of huge building, bigger than anything Ryuu has ever seen, there many creepy looking stone statues and Ryuu suddenly felt as if all their eyes on him, he scootednear Celestia out of fear.

Celestia put a hand on Ryuu's head calming him down, ”Do not worry child they are just guards. They protect the library from unwanted people, like those who do not have permission.” she then took him towards a pedestal, made Ryuu cut his figure and drop few drops of blood on it and then she inserted a strand of ki inside the pedestal which shone a white light before vanishing, ”There it is done now you are free to enter the library anytime you would like.”

She then took Ryuu inside the library, humongous shelves were arranged in rows filled with books, in front of each row there was tag written indicating the contents of each aisle.

Celestia: ”Ryuu in Ayindril each of your masters has specific jobs, I take care of library, your second mistress take care of array's which protect Ayindril, Your first mistress runs hospital as well as takes care of medicinal herbs and ingredients, where as your master takes care of anything and everything related to blacksmithing. This library is my pride and joy, my library has some so rare and precious techniques people will sale their soul for a single glimpse, empire's will wage wars, family will betray each other, so Ryuu do you understand why it is heavily guarded.”, Ryuu gulped at hearing such thing.”Since you are our disciple you get access to my library, but there are some rules you have to follow.”

Suddenly a huge pressure fell on Ryuu he was forced on his knees the air became difficult to breath, tears came out from his eyes, he just wanted to crawl himself inside a hole and hide. Celestia held his chin and forced him to look at her face, gone was the kind and caring smile the face resembled that of a demon.”Ryuu the rules I will only say it once if you break them I will kill you destroy your soul and erase your existence completely to the point even your mother will never remember you any longer, got it child.”, but Ryuu was too scared to answer, which made Celestia snarl in anger before she shouted him,”RYUU DID YOUR THICK SKULL GET WHAT PUNISHMENT WILL BE DEALT TO RULE BREAKER.”, Ryuu squeaked out,”y—y-y-yes mi-mistress”, only to get shouted out again with so much fierceness that his body started trembling and he felt his soul rattled,” LOUDER OR DID YOUR MOTHER NOT FEED YOU ENOUGH THAT YOU SOUND LIKE A MOUSE , NOW SPEAK UP LIKE A HUMAN CHILD.”


Celestia: ”Good for I hate mouse they destroy books, hence I kill them”, before she helped him up, before dusting his clothes clean and rubbing the tears off his cheeks, before she continued with a kind motherly smile on her face,” Child as a man you should not shed tears except when you are extremely happy otherwise people will think you weak.”

Ryuu completely shaken the whole thing look like a nightmare he would not want to relieve again, he decided then and there as long as he lives he will never ever violate any rule of the library, hell after today he will never appear with in a thousand yards of this place. Celestia narrowed her eyes she already had a rough idea how Ryuu's brain works she will have to amend such travesty soon.

She took Ryuu, in front of a huge stone stele. Lots of rules were written on it, she snapped her fingers and most of the rules vanished, ”Listen of the rules here are meant for our servants, but you being our disciple are exempted from them, but you have to follow all this

1) Never teach anyone what you learn from this library, only those things we give you permission may you teach to others.

2) If you have problem in understanding the thing you are learning from library, you can only consult your teachers or your big sisters no one else not even your mother.

3) If you want a book or manual you will have to work for it, you have to get enough merit to read the book by doing different tasks, like sweeping a part of Ayindril, to collecting exotic herbs, to hunting a very dangerous beast. The task will vary according to the type of skill.

4) Even if can fulfill the third rule many book or manuals need specific conditions before it is available to you, such as skill which require immortal level cultivation will never be available to you until you become immortal, except if we fill that you should learn it then we will bring you here to learn it.

5) Never and by never I mean NEVER should you damage my books, if you do I will spank you so hard that lava will feel like ice when you sit on it.