Chapter 176 - Taking Down The Laboratory 2 (1/1)

David and Martin were both shocked when Arriane told them that the virus may have come from the laboratory that the man, Malik Asad owned.

Morgana: I suspect that the virus was developed in that laboratory by one of the scientists abducted by Malik Asad people. In that laboratory, there are many scientists who are abducted to create drugs and bombs. And I want to go back there as soon as I can to destroy the laboratory and kill Malik Asad. That man is too dangerous to remain alive.

David: If you are going back there, it will be too dangerous for you. You said so yourself that, the guy is too dangerous. Even without his private army, that guy can ruthlessly kill a person in his own hands. And I am sure that he has a lot of tricks hidden in his sleeves.

Morgana: Uncle David, even if it is dangerous, I need to go there and rescue those scientists and kill that man and his private army. This virus is just a start. Who knows what kinds of plan he is cooking up just to start a war???

David: if you are decided, then let me come with you. Me and Martin can help you, this is no longer just a fight for your mission, this is a fight for survival. You can kill Malik Asad, we will deal with the private army.

Arriane: No uncle David, you and Dad stay here on the island. I'll go with my sister, we both have a system that can help us but you don't. You will only be a responsibility to Morgana if she has to worry about you all the time.

Martin: What? But you just arrived!!!

Arriane: Dad!!! There is no time for me to rest if we don't go the virus will claim many lives of innocent people. Especially the young and the old who are vulnerable to the virus. Maybe we can find an antidote or a formula to create a medicine to fight or kill the virus.

Morgana: Uncle Martin, don't worry about us, we will be careful. I already had a plan even before I came back.

David: So it is settled then.... Tell your mother and your grandparents about it first.

Morgana: I will tell them about it, by the way, if you want to go out and stroll on the beach there is a pathway that led to the beach at the back of the house. In front, where the night hawk landed there is a path that leads to the forest, there is vegetation flat on the side of the house and you can find trees bearing fruits in the forest.

Martin: oh, we know about that. Earlier we take a hike around the island with your grandfather while the three women are cooking. We even brought back some fish we caught on the beach.

Morgana: Good, I hope you enjoyed your stay here on the island. l have to go to my room first to shower and get ready. Morgana said as she stand up and beckoned her sister to follow her into her room.

Arriane: what???

Morgana: Get ready, we have to leave before now. We can't let mom know about it. I know her she won't let us go this time.

Morgana and her sister sneak out of the house and run all the way to the beach, on the beach, Morgana summoned the night hawk out. They boarded the night hawk and fly the night hawk back to Syria.