Chapter 57 - Shes Xero (1/2)

Tristan watched his grandfather reaction after he asked that question. It was as if confirming something in his question when his grandfather looked so calm. He couldn't help but clench his hand tightly. Fearing what he would hear next.

Looking at his grandson tense face, Duke Cullen knew that his strong instinct lead him into asking that question and the reason he's here besides on Christmas day itself. He inhale the warm bitter tea but left a sweet taste on his tongue after awhile, enjoying the sun leisurely which something that he haven't been doing during his youthful days including his nearly retirement days. It's almost time for him to give up his only post. The post that he still held after he retired from his political world. And the reason he's holding it due to that sweet daring brat with outstanding IQ. He have to hide her from any political affair and even from the world itself. Now that she's married to his grandson, he knows his grandson will protect her this time.

”To answer your question, i know her more than you do. Even though she's been under your watch while she was abroad but not everything you see is real. Before Ralph and you enter her life, she have known me way before. And i have seen the new injuries that kept on appearing on her body back then. No matter how i want to helped her, she always refuses. Thus, she have her own way to payback every wound that she received which lead me to her. It was hard to convince her to stop. She's stubborn and a pain in the neck. It was because of her i started the Googol. Everyone thought i was crazy but to protect your wife from the world and getting unwanted attention, i had to do it.” Duke Cullen said after he felt like torturing his grandson long enough. As he spoke, he looked far away as if reminiscing the days he spent to persuade Alicia to stop wrecking the country. Back then it was frightening looking at her eyes that only filled with blankness. As if nothing matters for her. If she were to be a murderer back then, she would have become a cold blooded killer. The most terrifying one. Thank goodness she chose keyboards and complicated code. That alone could make everyone around her collapse in fear.

Hearing every words that his grandfather spoke, he unconsciously inhale deeply. Although he had a gist of it but he didn't expect she was the sole reason Googol exists. He heard some rumors before while he was working under his grandfather. Back then his grandfather asked him to be a trainer to train the people that he chose under the name of Googol. He was only curious that time. Seeing that his grandfather retired from every position that he holds at that time but strongly held onto the position on being the Leader in Googol. His grandfather even quarrel with the rest of the ministers since they were trying to put a spy inside the group. He made the group so secretive that not many would know about Googol unless you are the president or the higher. For Tristan, he just happen to be curious. Thus got the position as a trainer for kids who have high IQ. It was then he heard rumors about a person whose name was Xero.

”You were a trainer back then. I'm sure you heard of the name Xero.” His grandfather continued seeing he kept his silence.

”I heard a lot of version.” He answered nonchalantly. But his heart tremble whenever he remembers some of the rumors that he once heard. Not out of fear but more like astonished.

”Oh? Entertain this old man.” Duke Cullen smirks.

”Heard he was very skillful. Everything that he learn in one go, he will master it straight away. And once i heard he rushed towards the enemy base in the middle of gunshots like he was strolling in the park. And the most famous of all is he almost cripple the entire country. I'm sure these stories they were exaggerate so that it will hook onto others. No one knows who's Xero. And the time that i was there, i met Xero. He looks really weak and despite his high IQ among the others, i doubt on his fighting skills.” He said lazily.

”That's interesting. But what's more interesting is that you assume it was a he.” His grandfather stated.

”Because i saw Xero. That's why i am confident that it's a he.”

”What if i told you in Googol there's a different between Xero and Zero? The one that you met probably Zero version god knows what number he was. There's been a lot of replacement for this Zero. And it will never be the same person. Probably the person that you saw back then no longer a Zero and it was replace with another person by now. But as for Xero, no one can replace the person who holds the name.” Hearing the explanation from his grandfather, the uneasy feeling in his heart start to rise up. He frowned.

”What are you trying to say here?”

”All of those rumors that you heard, it was all true. Due to Xero's capability in crippling the country, i had to step in to stop her. It was a good thing i found her. Because with her talent and outstanding IQ, she will become the country's puppet if she falls into the wrong hand. Thus the reason i started Googol. It was to protect her and gave her freedom. Although it was hard to make her cooperate in the first place but she still have a little warmth in her heart when i found her and eventually she knows what is good for her. Googol is like her safe house and also her playground. It's where she can fully unleashed her skills and the remarkable IQ. It was really astonishing everytime i watch her do the mission. I felt like a proud parent each time she came back with wide smile on her face.”