Chapter 7 - Sulking (1/1)

One thing about the party, they won't be serving any alcoholic drinks. Under Ralph's order they can only drink juice or any other non-alcoholic drinks whenever they're around Alicia. The rules still implies now. It's something that will make Alicia traumatize if someone close to her got drunk. Ralph only found out after months she live with his family and he accidentally got drunk after hanging out with those guys. When he arrive home and his body smells like alcohol, she didn't even want to get close to him. Instead she cowers herself inside her room and would ran away hide behind his parent if he try to get close to her. She was trembling with fear and his parent scold him badly on that day. From that day onward, he never allows anyone come home drunk or the likes of it.

It was close to midnight when Ralph finally call the party off. Since it was decided she would have to follow him home, she reluctantly got inside the car and pout her lips. Ralph who saw her pouting lip only shook his head. They're on the way to Ralph's house or should she call it a mansion since it does look like one. The garden itself is as big as a football field while the mansion is unspeakable. She would got lost once in a while since she rarely stay at his mansion ever since he got married and she had to further her study overseas.

”Is it that bad going home with me to meet your sister in law? I thought you like her.” Ralph broke the silence when he saw her gloomy face. His mind start to think negatively seeing her unhappy face. Thinking she's not in good relationship with his wife troubles him.

”It's not that. Of course i would love to meet her but if she can keep her 'files' away from me i would be ecstatic to meet her.” She said while sighing heavily. His response? A loud booming laughter resonate inside the car making her shooting deathly glare at him. 'Files'. Of course he know what she meant. He saw those 'files' as well. It's a list of potential blind date for his sister. His wife has been nagging him for abandoning his responsibilities of finding a good husband for his sister. It was their parent and his wife's plan to find a candidate for his little sister. He kept on explaining to his wife to let Alicia be only to earn a sleep on the sofa. He never did protest anything about it any longer. Which is why he somehow understood Alicia's unwillingness to meet his wife.

”Is that the reason you insist on having your own place?” He try to prod. He still disagree about her living on her own despite her already 23 years old. It's still too early for her to have her own place.

”Obviously. Mom and sis kept on calling me for this matter ever since they knew i'm coming home. Can you see my suffering to be stuff with numerous of files about men who's still single along with their body analysis. Who would want to know what size is the man's underwear and what type of condom he uses? Nor when he shave or does he have a hairy chest? I had to dirty my eyes looking at their half naked bodies. My phone doesn't feel clean with all the files that they send me. And they keep on preaching me about the goodness about being married when i said i want to focus on my work as a doctor. And you're not even doing anything to stop them.” She had to emphasize the last one when he kept on smirking as he listens to her complaints.

”The last time i did something, i end up sleeping on a sofa.”

”Well, you could suffer for one night.” She retorted, puffing up her cheek. He pinched her cheek and she smack his hand away. He laughed at her misery.

”Brat. If it wasn't because you keep on making them worried, they won't do such a drastic measure. Dad and i had to use every power we had just to stop you from joining the volunteering work in the war country.”

”But i'm a doctor.” She wailed. She was frustrated when she thought about the volunteer work that she wasn't allowed to join because of her father and brother interference.

”And you're my sister. Also their only daughter. Who would want to send their daughter to that place? There's plenty of doctors out there but there's only one you.” Ralph harden his voice. If it wasn't because someone told him about her joining the volunteer work in a war country, she might have gone to that country and they won't even know it.

Alicia back with her pouting. Knowing she's in the wrong for trying to hide her action only to be discovered quickly. Until this day she never knew who told her brother about the matter. Ralph glance at her and the look on her face made him shook his head. Sulking.

”I'll talk to mom and your sister in law to stop pestering you about the candidates. But i can't promise you they'll listen to me.” He agreed on helping her since he couldn't bear to see her sulking face. She's his beloved sister and it's in his nature to pamper her ever since he decided she would become his sister. Hearing that, her smile start to appear once more. And they both start to joke around again along the way. It's easy to please her sister and it's also easy to be on her blacklist.

”Oh yeah. I've been wanting to ask. Who's Lucifer? How come i never see him?” She's been wanting to ask about it for years already but since it's nothing important so she always throw it at the back on her mind. Now that they mention Lucifer again tonight, she somehow remember it again.

”Him? You'll see him soon. He's been working overseas during the time you were here and only just got back few months ago. He's supposed to join us tonight but it seems he had another business trip that he needed to attend. He's the one who told me about you joining the volunteer work.” He spill the bean.

”Then i don't like him.” She replied. Ralph was exasperated.

”You don't even know the guy.” He shot back.

”I still don't like him.” Ralph rolled his eyes and can only hope she didn't immediately put Lucifer into her blacklist list. Knowing that guy, he might not care but he will revenge.