Chapter 471 - 471: Going to Lyrue inside Mountain Kingdom part 16 (1/2)
[Karon point of view]
Without even wasting a single precious second, I immediately use my earth magic to this tunnel, and start rampaging with my exploding earth needle directed directly at my father, who is now in control of the fake dragon (by manipulating a large doppelganger flower which beat just like a heart)
Of course, as Lara, Nara and I expected, he easily repel all of it through his own earth magic, but that's now what surprise us. What surprise is that he blended his mana perfectly with the mana flowing from the ancient tunnel, and thus, rather than saving himself by cancelling my attack with his own magic, he simply made my spell disappears before it can even reach him
””Puppet magic... Controlling the ancient tunnel...”” [Lara, Nara]
”If anything, I'm surprised we can actually found you quite easily. You can easily conceal yourself if you're capable of blending your puppet magic with the mana flowing inside this tunnel” [Karon]
”That Avery sure is troublesome, revealing my location even after I concealed myself, but that's to be expected of the one that received the blessing from Mother Earth” [Serial killer dwarf]
Even he acknowledged the power granted to Farhah after her ascension to become Avery. True, with how perfectly blended his mana to the ancient tunnel, I wouldn't even be surprised if none of us couldn't find him, but luckily Farhah save the day, but now
”Tsk...” [Karon]
”His attack is powerful” [Nara]
”CAREFUL!” [Lara]
”Blood... NICE!” [Serial killer dwarf]
His tenacity... It's admirable even when I hated him with all my might. My hammer strike toward his forehead just now should be lethal, or at best, should knock a person unconscious, but instead, he retaliate back with his own slash of attack that almost cut my left wrist
””Soul pierce!!”” [Lara, Nara]
”Tchh!” [Serial killer dwarf]
As expected, he wouldn't take the attack with the power from God of Death directly, and instead, dodge the attack as fast as he can, but
”Lara! Nara! Use the gun I gave to you just now!” [Karon]
(Gun?) [Serial killer dwarf]
””Right!!”” [Lara, Nara]
I always have a spare weapon I created stored inside my item bag, and just before the fight, I gave two of the prototype gun imbued with my puppet magic to those two. Now, it will automatically track that damned Serial killer dwarf no matter hoe hard he try to dodge
”Ready...” [Lara]
”Try yout best kid!” [Serial killer dwarf]