Chapter 363 - 363: Battle at the New Headquarters part 14 (1/2)


[Deep underground]

[Seo Ah point of view]

”Please, hang in there, everyone... Zerolith, are you alright?” [Seo Ah]

”I'm fine....” [Zerolith]

He's not fine. He's having difficulty in breathing normally right now. Maintaining Chrono stasis just to prevent the progression of the vampires and giants that will explode moment notice, he's holding the life line of this country on his very hand right now. One slip and it will all be over. Is there anything that I can do...

”Zerolith! I brought everyone that can use time magic for you!” [Kanji]

”Thanks Kanji, everyone...” [Zerolith]

”Don't worry, Kanji here already told us everything!”

”Support the Demon Priest will all our might!”


”Thank you, I appreciate it” [Zerolith]

And they all supported Zerolith. It seems Zerolith can finally catch a breather, but he doesn't. Who can, when the situation is this grim

(Is there... Is there anything that I can do...) [Seo Ah]

I know that all I can do is praying, but isn't there anything else that I can do! As a fellow sister, as siblings of Orphanage that sworn to support them all. As Saintess Rumia...

(Seo Ah... Seo Ah!) [Saintess Rumia?]

”Saintess!?” [Seo Ah]

”!?” [Other]

(Listen, O pupil of my favourite daughter) [?]

(God... Goddess Achalasia!) [Seo Ah]

No doubt! I could never forget her voice even after all these years!

(Seo Ah, listen...) [Saintess Rumia?]

What's going on? How can I suddenly hear her voices? Is it because of Ultima Iero Fragma? Whatever is it...

”Kanji, can you help me? And Zerolith, just hang in there a bit more!” [Seo Ah]

”Huh? I mean yes!” [Kanji]

”Did something happen?” [Zerolith]


[At the New Headquarters]

[Saint Louis point of view]

A rally of people from different species, all band together under the leadership of both young hero Rean and I, all with the sole intention of saving Rumia.

No matter how exhausted we are, no matter how cripples we are, no matter how bleak the chance look likes

”For Saintess Rumia”

Said the Young Adventure

”I still need to repay all the kindness that she had done for me and my family!”

Said the old snake beastman

”I can't face Princess Diana if I couldn't save her best friend, and my brethren are all there, waiting for Saintess Rumia to save her! I won't give up!” [Alaric]

”True. Us vampires will support Saint Louis and Saintess Rumia!” [Alicia]

”You can add us giant as well!”

And speaking of my name

”Saint Louis and Saintess Rumia, both are the pillar that alongside the ten heroes, will bring a new dawn to Achalasia! It's simply an honour fighting alongside Saint Louis with the holy purpose of saving the Goddess favourite daughter”

”You dwarf make some good speech!”

”Coming from some lousy elf, that's quite a high praise”


””You guys are funny”” [Karon, Farhah]

And as for the young heroes that can fight

”Everyone! Our top priority is to safe Saintess Rumia!” [Rean]


”Stopping Zin will come second, but seeing the situation...” [Elise]

”To save Saintess Rumia, one way or another, we have to stop Zin first” [Savel]

”Dammit! If only that powerful thick devilish miasma didn't interfere with our space magic, Mrs Linda and I would have been able to save Saintess Rumia!” [Singa]

Together with The Holy Beast of Wind, all of us try our best to save Rumia, but alas

”Nothing work...” [Linda]

”And I could only support all of you for so much...” [Seraph]

”If only a demon like me can be some help like you...”

”Don't worry. Just continue what you have done, together we will prevail” [Seraph]

”True. Keep pushing and we will find way soon enough” (Tchh, if only I didn't let that damn witch saintess escape, I could just force her to stop Zin) [Gilbert]

Zin simply enormous enough, and any and all attack seems insignificant for him. Even the holy beast itself couldn't make a dent on his thick skin