Chapter 237 - Mysterious regress beastly transformation (1/2)


[At the castle of Demon kingdom]

[Female paladin point of view]

”Looks. It's her” [Succubus maid]

”The new paladin! She's gorgeous!” [Demon maid]

”But she need more than beauty to replace our beloved Paladin Aries!” [Lilith maid]

There are gossiping about me again. It's understandable, I am replacing one of the most important figure in this century, so they should criticize me more so that I wouldn't take my job lightly. If anything, they're just too welcoming, that I am starting to think they're being sarcastic (which is 1000% false. They're good people, and they're showing and helping me to their absolute best). If anything, I think the Lilith maid just now have her point made clear.

My job at the demon kingdom is a demanding one, and I am more than glad to be blessed with wonderful people that supports me. Their citizens, although at first feels that I was not suited to replace Mrs Aries, slowly accepting me, which is a good sign. The noble? They're not much different from that of a human noble, but they uphold their job better than those at Estel. If anything, I'm glad the time I spent with Muse came in handy on how to deal with rowdy nobles (which once again, a rare sight for a demon noble)

(These demons... They're clearly different from what the old follower wanted you to believe. I feel ashamed of my old self) [Female paladin]

Truly, I'm glad I ask Princess Diana and Saintess Rumia to make me their paladin. I'm glad that I accept the job for the Demon king, Druser. I'm glad that I don't become the typical narrow-minded follower when Ash announced he's opening an orphanage in Estel. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you O Goddess Achalasia


”Hello, Paladin of Demon kingdom speaking. May I help you sir?” [Female paladin]

”Sorry, I didn't meant to bother you, as you see, I'm just testing out this telephone that Behemoth Slayer create. Truly, a marvelous creation” [Old lion]

”True. With this, Estel, Malsia, Kiserre, Beastman Kingdom and Demon kingdom are all connected. We should wait for Saint Louis to install the communication stones so that we can add new headquarters to the list” [Female paladin]

”That reminds me, how goes the embassy related matter? For both Estel and Kiserre?” [Old lion]

”Ahh, that. You see, King Druser will be handling those matter as I still don't know about most of the demon nobles houses, but I do think of sending some young children from Demon kingdom with them. That way, they can be enrolled in Princess Diana new school, thus, cultural exchange can be established. This will also strengthen the relationship between the two countries. Hopefully” [Female paladin]

”I see. Interesting indeed. While both our countries do take apprenticeship from commoner to help raise their status, I believe this will be the first school for commoner to ever be created. Truly, another marvelous creation. May I suggest the same things to my king, King Leogris?” [Old lion]

”Please, do so. Plus, with you as the one running the Beastman Kingdom's embassy in Estel, I believe King Leogris will be more than happy to do so” [Female paladin]

”Thank you Mrs Paladin. Please, take care of yourself” [Old lion]

”Same goes for you” [Female paladin]

The line is disconnected. He truly is eager to go and meet Singa, his grandchild in Estel. Not only that, he's eager to contribute for the strengthening of relationship between Estel and Beastman Kingdom as well. Again, I am blessed, being surrounded by such wonder people.

”Excuse me. Do you know where our lord is?” [Female paladin]

”King Druser? If I'm not mistaken, I saw him at the royal library just now. I can guide you there, Mrs Paladin” [Lilith maid]

”I see. Thank you, and please do so” [Female paladin]

”I will” [Lilith maid]

She was criticizing me moment ago, and yet, she still feels obliged to help me. How wonderful


[At an empty road, Estel]

A figure of a dark silver wolf beastman, holding something akin to a portal stone in his hand. At a glance, it's almost similar to that of the portal stone, but it is an entirely different stone.

”With this, an enhance regressed beastly transformation is possible” [Wolf beastman]

Taking the stone, the wolf stab his radial artery, injecting an unknown substance as well as allowing the artificial blessings to be circulated inside his own body

He begins to become more and more of a monster. His fangs become sharper and bigger. So does his claws. He become larger overall, and from bipedal, he suddenly becomes Quadrupedal, walking on all four. His clothes, are all ripped apart, with some falling on the ground while some are still loyal to the place where it belongs