Chapter 225 - Going to holy palace? (1/2)
The results of interrogation, as well as Rafiah's friend corporation, with that Diana deduce two things
1. The Holy Palace, they will one way or another, oppose me of taking care of those ten kids. Bring it on is what I would like to said, but things aren't that easy as well. The old follower supporter, while not as many as it seems, are still there. Should Diana and I go and mercilessly beat them around, be it physically or any other method like political, economical etc, it will come back to bite us, and those ten kids might get hurt the hardest. How, first, they might not trust them. While this might seem trivial to me, that little bit of mistrust will affect them, from hiding important information to straight up betraying them in the future. The last thing that any of us wanted is when the people that those kids will one day protect ended up betraying them.
”This is such a pain in the ass...” [Ash]
”I do agree with you. Well, let me continue” [Diana]
2. Saintess Angela, she might be connected with Agnes. This is something that Seraph himself confirm as he had saw Angela once long time ago, and the other day with Agnes and Motra. Not to mention, Rafiah's friend double confirmed it, saying that the witch and those transported them the other day, was indeed Agnes and Angela. Rafiah's friend also mentioned that Angela was actively supporting that section of the church that we wary the most. The Achalasia Externa group.
”Which mean, she will come to us, not only to take the kids away from Ash, but to exterminate them altogether” [Crow]
”While we can ask our guard to tighten the dungeon entrance, with how they use the portal stone, it will be almost pointless” [Ceanu]
”Not to mention, the interconnecting ancient tunnel. And let us not forget, that one of the kids is an Avery, so The True Beastman Group that lurk god no where...” [Saint Louis]
”Hmm...” [King Estel]
”What's wrong, dear?” [Fourth queen]
He's thinking something. I wonder what, but from the usual patterns, I can guess what he will say, which is why
”This is without a doubt getting repetitive, but I don't want to go! Not after what happened the last time I wasn't around!” [Ash]
”I know, which is why I am having troubles of what to do right now. They will come, the convoy from the holy palace, that's almost a guarantee at this point. If we send our people first, we might at least delay them and also get a gist of idea of the force they will send. I can think of few people but...” [King Estel]
”The problem will be without a doubt, what our citizens will think of. Even if we didn't send you there, they coming here will cause a huge burden for us. From the nobles that will do anything so long as they get to lick those people shoe, to the merchants that will ”donate” generous amount of money just to get themselves a fortune, to that of usual citizen willing to cross bushes and thorns just to get a chance to be with them” [Diana]
”How come Saint Louis and Rumia here doesn't get the same treatment. Don't get me wrong, I like how they welcome you, not to shabby but not to excessive nor fanatical. But hearing from what you said... It kinda scary to be honest” [Ash]
”Well, unlike them, we do thing rather moderately” [Saint Louis]
”Then, how about I go and scout ahead first. Just like the last time when we free those beastman and demon from their clutches, we can use the same modus operandi” [Seraph]
”The operation which saves me few years back... I don't think they will be so foolish as to let the same thing happen twice” [Aries]
”That also require manipulation of the goddess orb as well as perfect disguise. Like Mrs Aries, I don't think the same tactic will work twice” [Rumia]
”I might as well send few spies just to get information first before deciding what the best for us” [King Estel]
”Then, should I go?” [Linda]