Chapter 218 - Direction theyre heading part 1 (1/2)
Saint Louis finally arrived, and the moment he set his foot inside Estel, he requested to meet my siblings ASAP as to see for himself the future ten heroes which understandably, make all of them filled with anxiety
”They really are...” [Saint Louis]
”Didn't Rumia told you?” [Ash]
”She did, but it just set into me that with the ten heroes appearance, the fallen god will once again, awaken” [Saint Louis]
”Well, you should rest first. With you the last to arrive, we can schedule the meeting tomorrow morning” [Ash]
”I will. But, they requested me to lead this evening mass. Please come, all of you” [Saint Louis]
”Sure” [Ash]
Then tomorrow comes, with Filvisar, Aries, the twelve kids ( Lara and Nara included as they were created by Agnes, thus they're related as well) (Kara and Mara will leave with Aries from their house) and me myself going to the castle to discuss about this issue, and just as we are about to head out
”So they're the ten heroes. Would you mind if I adopt the blue hair girl?”
”That demon boy, I would recruit him into my family army, so if you mind”
”That twin boy and girl, they should become my son and daughter!”
”Savel, how about we make them confuse with our mirage magic” [Claude]
”OK!” [Savel]
”I'll support the two of you!” [Calypso]
”Good luck, and don't worry about failing, I can kick their asses after all” [Ash]
And the three of them quickly use their mirage magic. I thought Claude said to make them confuse, but it seems like they're just standing there, in fear... No! From the looks of it, their usual idiotic look looks even more idiotic. Could it be, they're so confused that they just stand there, not doing anything. Now that's OP, the three of them.
”Sigh... Bobunny, you just standby here at the mansion. Housey and Calypso Tree, make sure to protect all of the other children” [Ash]
”Meow?” [Behe]
”Of course, you protect them as well, Behe” [Ash]
”Meow!” [Behe]
They must have heard Kara and Mara being adopted by Aries, and thus, come for a shot of adopting them. I mean, what did they expect? With those greedy eye, they obviously wanted to use them for personal gain, something which I won't allow as long as I live
Using the bus golem, I let Farhah drive for the first time. Well, right now, she's 10, so I guess she finally graduate from the younger group. Rean is 14, Elise 13, Kara Mara Lara Nara are 12, Zerolith and Karon are 11, Singa is 9, Savel is 8 and Charlotte is 6. Boy, they sure grow up quickly. I felt like an old man now even though I am the same age as Diana, only 18
”And park inside your... There's a parking area near the castle gate. Should I park the bus there?” [Farhah]
”Sure” [Ash]
”Don't hit the wall!” [Singa]
”Don't hit other carriages!” [Savel]
”Don't hit... Don't hit other people!” [Charlotte]
””Don't hit! Don't hit!”” [Lara, Nara]
”Shut up! Let me focus!” [Farhah]
And she fails, almost hitting the wall, for which I took over and just park the bus golem inside my item box. Cheer up, you can try again next time
”You guys have arrived. Please, follow me” [Bladel]
”Kara, Mara and Mrs Aries?” [Karon]
”The three of them already arrived” [Bladel]