Chapter 187 - Filvisars whereabouts (1/2)


[Kiserre's orphanage]

[Khamishah point of view]

Adoption. While things related to adoption does fall under the jurisdiction of orphanage, it's still a huge issue at this moment

This black cat lady here, she's without a doubt an honest person, someone reliable (as raising a pair of kids that can become an S rank adventure is no small task) as well as someone that I could trust 100% to take good care of Miriam. Plus, Ash and Mira themselves mentioned that a loving home with a responsible adopted parent is far better than an orphanage (though neither of them received any adoption request). Thing is, it's the matter of both Miriam and her race.

Kiserre's citizen are without a doubt, still holding a strong believe in the old teaching, and the fact that an old follower like this morning can emit an aura of disapproval even knowing I was there is rather unsettling. I can't be there for her 24/7, plus, I'm sure she doesn't want the same thing that happened to Manu, happen once more.

There's also thing related to her housing condition and her income. I do believe she can overcome it, but given how the situation right now in Kiserre, I would rather keep Miriam here with us, at least until she is economically stable

That said

(Looking at them, I believe she can overcome the hurdles) [Khamishah]

There's an old saying, one quoted by the God of Life itself, that every child and every creature have their own sustenance, and those sustenance will come to them in one form or another

”Am I, troubling you, Mrs Saga?” [Black cat lady]

”Can you give me some time? I'll need to discuss this with other” [Khamishah]

”Sure. In the meantime, I can always feed Miriam here whenever needed” [Black cat lady]

”Much appreciated” [Khamishah]

Better gets the paperwork and security measures ready. Hope her adoption will open a brighter future in social and racial standing here in Kiserre

”We're coming in!” [Lizard boy]

”Miriam!” [Green hair boy]

”Hey! Don't just barge in!” [Long hair girl]

Hope... I'll protect those hope


Seriously, Filvisar (aka Claude's master) is still alive. That mean, he surely knows what happen 100 years back, as she received the blessings of the ten heroes like Rean's and the other!

”Where... where is he?” [Claude]

”Claude...” [Ash]

He looks ready to burst into a stream of tear. It's understandable, a ghost is said to be a manifestation of one strong desire, be it a positive or a negative one. In Claude's case, he loves to serve his master family so much so that he became part of it. Then, the fallen god resurrected, killing them all in the entire process, leaving only Claude in the mansion while his master goes on the journey to defeat the fallen god. But, why didn't Filvisar comes back home once everything is finished?

”Sorry. I'm not sure. He did say he is doing an important role right now, for the next generation. That's all I know. Though, he is one of the reasons why the new teachin... no, the original teaching of Goddess Achalasia's religion resurfacing right now” [Rumia]

”You mean, he's teaching you?” [Ash]

”Yes, and Goddess Achalasia herself verify his teaching” [Rumia]

”I see... That's good then” [Claude]

”Are you sure?” [Ash]

”I am. He might have thought there's nobody left here in the mansion, so he decided to continue his research, though that mean” [Claude]

”Master Filvisar must had a research room somewhere else” [Calypso]

”True, but where...” [Claude]