Chapter 170 - Brainstorming session (1/2)
[Naoto point of view]
Here we are, finally arrive at Malsia. The guard quickly recognise me and as usual greeted me. They have been wondering what takes me so long but I couldn't really tell them about my job given by The King of Malsia and her daughter Princess Nurhaliza, but alas, I think at this point they all knew about my involvement in Kiserre since there are few adventures that are from Malsia that partake in the incident back at Kiserre as well
We make ourselves to the castle first as to report regarding the incidence and also regarding Queen Rinz request of making an embassy there, for which he rewards me generously.
At Malsia's Orphanage,
”That sure takes you long” [Kanji]
”Anything happen when I am away?” [Naoto]
”Nothing, but...” [Kanji]
”But?” [Naoto]
”I'll talk to you later. Kana and Qudus have more information regarding it as compared to me” [Kanji]
”Understand, and before going any further, this is...” [Naoto]
”Sis Naoto, who is this pretty lady?” [Cat girl]
”Her long blonde hair is enviable!” [Blonde girl]
”Hey, don't rush into her!” [Naoto]
But it's too late, all of them quickly surrounded her and keep on asking question after question, but she looks comfortable around kids, like it's only a natural thing for her to be surrounded by them. Honestly, it's quite an amazing sight, with her motherly charm, it's no wonder that the kids back at Estel as well as here in Malsia doesn't have a hard time approaching her
”What do we have here?” [Mira]
”Wait the minute, isn't she!” [Haliza]
”Sorry for the late introduction, my name is Aries, I'm the paladin serving the current demon king” [Aries]
””SAY WHAT!!”” [Kanji, Seo Ah]
[Diana point of view]
And that's the suggested flow of the event, ending with my announcement of developing this area into a community center which will be led by Sir Ceanu Reaves. There isn't a single objection when I said that he will govern this area as this place has been isolated and poorly developed by Linda's and Muse's family family. Getting the approval to change the area govern was no menial task either, but thanks to Crow voluntarily exchange his govern land with them, we manage to settle it! Crow was of course seen as a fool but little do they knew at that time about this high risk gamble of us
”I object!” [Ash]
”Ehh, why?” [Kadeus's father]
”Sir Ceanu Reaves, from all of yours reaction, I do get the impression that he is quite a decent person, but I still refuse to serve THAT Duke's family!” [Ash]
”Hmm...” [Diana]
It's within my expectation that Ash here will voice out his opinion, and honestly, I don't blame him even a bit, as the orphanage was attacked by the Duchess. Not to mention, he also involved when the idiot noble son drag Alice into the Rock and Sea dungeon back then. I can convince him that Sir Ceanu Reaves will be the best choice but
”How about you talk to him directly the next time? If the community leader is dissatisfied with the governing noble, it will severely hamper the development of this area” [Diana]
”Hey! Don't just brush it off!” [Ash]
”Community leader?” [Rean]
”Well, I have been going around the neighborhood lately, asking about their opinion, and all of them vote for him as the representative, so that's that. Congratulations Ash” [Diana]
”Well, moving on” [Diana]
”We aren't done yet!” [Ash]
”It's fine, I can help you during your meeting with the gentleman Sir Ceanu Reaves. He's handsome but not as dashing as Rean here <3” [Muse]
”You never cease to amaze me...” [Crow]
I do feel pity for Ash, but if there's anyone that can convince him that Sir Ceanu Reaves can help to govern the area on my behalf it's Sir Ceanu himself. Plus, he will be meeting him alongside Crow, Muse, Liyana and other at a later date for further discussion about their respective roles, so for now, let just close my ear at his continuous ranting.
I quickly summarize back the flow of event that will take place
A day before my birthday aka Day 1: There will be a festival around this area, and it's up to the merchant and the locals here. They will get financial support from me through the merchant guild. Community leader should be responsible for it
Birthday aka Day 2: Debutante party start at night. It's preceded by marching from the castle to a large hall (that of course, will be created later on, and will serve as community hall or church later on). This part here will be handle primarily by me, and event includes blessings from the church (I still haven't received any news from Rumia about who is coming), present, some dancing and food. Sadly, it will be a close event. Community center will then be officially announced as the final event