Chapter 159 - Thinking about birthday present (2/2)

”So do I” [Rean]

And we are back to square one

”I don't know, but why don't you ask the adventure or merchant guild master about it” [Liyana]

”Huh, that make sense” [Ash]

”But, you can't go out” [Mara]

”That shouldn't pose much problem, I'll just disgust myself” [Ash]

”If you're going to the adventure guild, I will come as well” [Rean]

”Sure” [Ash]

”Magic practice...” [Liyana]

”I'll train you all in the dungeon then” [Ash]

Asking for Claude permission, I disguise myself as him and went out with the bus golem, toward the adventure guild first

Once inside the adventure guild, let just said all of them become confused.

”Just how did the ghost butler...”

”Hey Mr Claude! You shouldn't do that!” [Female elf adventure]

”Is he finally able to resist the sun?” [Axeman adventure]

Their reaction is pure gold. Well, time to reveal the trick


”And here I am thinking that Claude finally become stronger” [Swordman adventure]

”Just keep it a secret will you” [Ash]

”Because of the house arrest, am I right?” [Samurai Jacks]


”Give us free pass to the training hall then” [Dwarf adventure]

”Sure, I'll ban you for life” [Ash]

”Kahkahkah, that's funny!” [Dwarf adventure]

As Rean and the other went to the request board, Mara and I went to the counter, toward Alice, asking whether Ram is here or not, but seems like he is busy. Well, that should be expected, Ram will also be involved in the debutante party, if not, due to some other important staff, in which case, I should ask Alice herself

”I see, Princess Diana birthday present” [Alice]

”That's a hard one” [Ram's daughter]

”Oh boy, if this is a request, it will be an A rank request without a doubt” [Receptionist A]

As we keep on discussing about each option (with Mara becoming dizzier by the second, probably due to how expansive some of the item we discussed)

”THE WATCHER!” [Charlotte]

Just when did Charlotte go out, but more importantly

”It suddenly becomes big!” [Savel]

”Hoi, this is just like!” [Swordman adventure]

”Random malignant wormhole!” [Singa]

”That mean a monster will come out!” [Farhah]

”Ash!” [Alice]

”On it!” [Ash]

”””We will help””” [Rean, Elise, Liyana]

”No! Rean, you will help evacuate the citizen! The rest of you as well!” [Alice]

”But!” [Rean]

”Just follow her instruction, thing done haphazardly will always bring disaster” [Female paladin adventure]

”Right!” [Rean]

It didn't take Rean that long to made up his mind. I have to agree with Alice's decision here, sure, Rean is becoming stronger, and so does the other, but concentrating all your work force on one thing will compromise the other, so asking Rean and the other to help evacuate the citizen will be the best course of action, but I do wonder

(Is this random malignant wormhole part of the Achalasia Externa plan? Or is it a sheer coincidence this time around) [Ash]