Chapter 155 - Sibling "taking" a D rank request part 1 (1/2)


[Crow point of view]

That massive idiot! Just what is in his mind while doing that! I can't believe he just repeatedly slamming a noble and a priest into the ground non-stop. In front of the king and other noble nonetheless! I just can't imagine how furious Princess Diana felt, as all her hard work to make that friend of mine being accepted into the high society reduce to dust. Then again, I never really agree to it, since we all know he will simply reject the offer

”Fufu, he's wilder as compared to Khamishah” [Queen Rinz]

”Pardon?” [Other]

The queen seems to be reminiscing about the past, could it be the time when she was younger and Mrs Saga there just started to become an adventure

”By the way, there's something that I would like all of you to tell to your respective king, and of course, a request to Saint Louis here” [Queen Rinz]

”?” [Other]

”I'll send a formal letter right afterwards, but please tell them that I thought of asking them to open an embassy here in Kiserre as to better prepare all of us in upcoming future. As for Saint Louis, please, do dispatch one of your people here to replace the old follower” [Queen Rinz]

”That I can, but to think that you graded this threat so greatly as to drastically open an embassy all of a sudden” [Saint Louis]

”I can see why, but even us, the demon kingdom?” [Aries]

”That's correct” [Queen Rinz]

”An embassy, an excellent idea indeed, but your citizen wouldn't take light of that idea” [Lisa]

”That I'm aware of, that's why I will gradually work on it” [Queen Rinz]

”I don't think Malsia here will have much issue but for the other three...” [Naoto]

”It's hard, but, given that what happen in Kiserre can happen literally elsewhere, it would be the best for us to have an embassy as to better prepare ourselves” [Crow]

”Given the benefits outweigh the risk, that's why I ask you for that” [Queen Rinz]

We look at each other before agreeing to it

”In that case, should I inform the Beast Kingdom about it?” [Aries]

”It would be my pleasure if you would” [Queen Rinz]


[Rean point of view]

Just how did this happen... we are watching the match between Brother Ash and Mrs Saga vs Mahsuri. It was an intense match albeit a short one where the winner was clearly decided even before the match begin, and then

”All of you, including that princess, go to the 10th floor and kill a group of Rock Apes. The other including all the guards, interfere and your head will be on the ground. And Princess, don't take charge of them, let them be independent” [Mahsuri]

If only we watched the match through the watcher, then again, Mahsuri here forced us to come and watched the whole match directly, maybe she had planned it from the very beginning

And here we are, at the 10th floor of the open field dungeon. Currently, there are the twelve of us, Princess Diana, Ray, Mile, Kat, Blanc, Kadeus, Lily, Liyana and Muse. Twenty one of us vs a group of Rock Apes. I just hope this will end well. A group of Rock Apes, if process by guild (after taking account the number, types and location of it) will usually be a D rank request if I'm not mistaken, hope this turn out fine

(Not to mention, Blanc here is only six years of age, and despite the same age as Charlotte, he's still weak) [Rean]

We will have to try our best to keep the younger one unharmed. Perhaps that's also one of Mahsuri intention.

”I can sense them up ahead” [Lily]

”Same here” [Ray]

”There's about twenty of them. One on one, it will be a hard match for us, so we should definitely ambush them” [Rean]

”Agree” [Liyana]

”True, and can I ambush you in your sleep tonight?” [Muse]

”You never change don't you Muse” [Diana]

Huh? Did Princess here know who Muse is? But more importantly

”Please don't say that in front of the younger group” [Rean]

”So you want me to say it privately? Of course I can <3” [Muse]

”Let just get going” [Elise]

”Right” [Kara]

Elise here quickly help me change the topic. What would I do without her. As a side note, Mahsuri forbid her from using Chrono Mellontikós, so we can't exactly rely on it, plus, Brother Ash did warn us repeated usage of that spell can result in premature aging, so it should be treated as a double age sword