Chapter 130 - Kiserres castle under attack part 1 (1/2)
[The first prince of Kiserre, Fawan, Point of view]
It's morning, a normal citizen would usually wakes up during this time and start their work, but not me. Thanks to the blessings given by Mrs Agnes, my body doesn't require any need of that, in fact, I am now free from the mortal needs. Truly, a wonderful blessing, even if it means accepting the fallen god blessing into my body. To hell with Goddess Achalasia, she's an unfair goddess to begin with, and yet, my fellow citizens still worshiped her.
(But it shouldn't be long before this country follows that of the new god, Me!) [Fawan]
And I should simply use any mean necessary for that, even if it's mean giving my body to the fallen god, but that doesn't mean I should forever be under him. Once I have garnered enough power, the world doesn't need the ten heroes to ward off the devil, as I will simply crush that god myself!
~Loud Banging sound~
(What was that?) [Fawan]
It sound like the steel gate in front of the castle sustain some damage, but from what
”Your highness, the castle, it's under attack!” [Knight A]
”Tell me more about it” [Fawan]
So, someone is foolish enough to launch a frontal attack. Admirable, but a foolish act nonetheless.
(Once that person is dead, I'll simply ask Agnes to process it) [Fawan]
From the top of the castle, the captain of the first knight squad report to me about the situation. Looks like there's only five people that are responsible for it, however
”Give me that magic scope” [Fawan]
”Yes, your highness” [Head Magician]
Using the magic tool develop by our magician, one can not only see an object of their interest from a far, but also some basic information about them. It's a very powerful tool that allow one to analyze the opponent as it's imbued with the goddess orb. It might only be a fragment of it, thus it doesn't show all the details necessary, but it should be more than enough
(Ash, The Behemoth Slayer, The Guardian of Children, and the Great Scythe Magician) [Goddess orb info]
So, he's that traveler that opens the orphanage at Estel and Malsia. He's young as the report say, and truly, what a strange weapon he is currently using. The report that said he can use all type of magic without even chanting appears to be true as well, as he keeps on unleashing spells after spells without breaking a sweat
(Tch! Naturally gift person!) [Fawan]
Calm down... I should check the other as well
(The new saint, Louis. Head of the church and Achalasia religion. Saint beloved by the Goddess Achalasia) [Goddess orb info]
So, the saint really are here. And yet he manages to slip out from our radar. One would think that a saint will behave nicely, but alas, here he is, using army of light golem to do his deed.
(Khamishah, The Saga. Strongest human of this century) [Goddess orb info]
So she's here as well. She's a little bit older than I am but I still remember she come in and out of the castle, making herself at homes here. Such impudent and ugly sight of her. The way she controls her neutral mana however, still a sight to behold though. And like usual, she preferred to use her fist. How unladylike
(Aries. Paladin beloved by God of War) [Goddess orb information]
And the so called peace loving Paladin is here as well. Her naturally calm attitude is nothing but a mask once she entered a battlefield, where there, she become silence like a mute, and started to kill her enemy one by one. One wouldn't talk about the modern history without mentioning the two famous Demon King Druser and his trusted Paladin Aries. Still, I wonder why she's focusing more on damage control, rather than going all out just like how she was once, during the three demon princes succession war
(Alaric, The Vampiric royal guard. Master of shadow stealth) [Fawan]