Chapter 118 - Ash vs the replacement guild master (1/2)


[At certain district in Kiserre]

”Now then, would you mind giving me some info?” [?]

The ashen hair man, after cornering a member of an old follower. The ashen hair man realized that this old follower had his eye on the group of people coming from the open field dungeon, and he instinctively tries to protect the group.

He followed the group (together with the old follower) before ambushing him. Of course, the old follower did notice the ashen hair man, and even decided to confront him first, but alas, the ashen hair man prove to be far more difficult than what he initially expected, as he is quickly overwhelmed by the ashen hair man light magic

”You! You are!” [Old follower]

”Well, go on. I have the patience to wait” [?]

”Like hell I will tell you!” [Old follower]

With a strange cube in his hand, he smashes the cube to the ground, creating a very bright light that are supposed to blind those around him but

(Well, just have to pretend it works on me I guess) [?]

The ashen hair man, with astronomical high affinity towards light magic, didn't even flinch but have pretend that it does work, and...

”Yup, he's gone, just as I plan” [?]

In truth, he can just subdue the enemy in front of him, but decided not to, since his objective is to ensure the group of people coming from Estel is safe, plus

”Hope you will help me, Behemoth Slayer” [?]


Our group, having sense that there's no more of those watching eye, decided to investigate the Kiserre's branch adventure guild, with Alaric and I having to disguise ourselves. With Lisa help, we make a simple request of searching for a lost object, and as the receptionist processed the request

(There he is) [Alaric]

(Proudly showing the guild master tag) [Ash]

(At night, we strike) [Alaric]

(Understood) [Ash]

Or so he says, but the one that will be task to beat and capture him will lie on me, while Alaric will be securing the parameter, making sure there's no reinforcement coming to help him

With the two of us stalking the guild from afar (as Lisa excuses herself, since she will help Crow in investigating a number of nobles), we begin to search for possible location that are well suited for our operation.

Luck will be the main factor here, as we just begin the investigation, so we don't even know whether he will take the route that we selected or not, or how many people are with him. Nonetheless, if the optimal conditions are met, we will strike with no hesitation

With night approaching, and the adventure leave the guild one by one, our target began to take his leave as well. He is accompanied by two strong looking man. He himself look quite weak, but I reckon he can still put up a fight, and as for the other two, I'm sure I can beat them swiftly should the surprise attack works, but we have to make sure they wouldn't run and called for help

As they use one of the alleys that we scouted earlier this morning, the two of us quickly nodded to each other, with Alaric begin by securing the parameter (and transform himself into a bat afterward). And when he signal that everything is clear

(Silence) [Ash]

I cover the alley and the surrounding area with a large silence spell, as to preventing any noise that the replacement guild master will make

(Now!) [Ash]

Since I'm sure that they didn't even notice what we have just done, I decided to attack the man holding a sword from behind. With my scythe, I quickly slice both of his arms as to preventing him from using his sword.

The three of them, obviously confuse as to what is even going on, tries to retaliate. The guy with an axe tries to reach his weapon, but

(Fire arrows!) [Ash]

The two fire arrows that I used hit his eyes. Bull's-eye! His scream sure is deafening, but never mind that, I quickly did the same and slices his arms, and

”Haa!!” [Swordman]

”What the!” [Ash]

His arms, did his arms just regenerate!? How!? Well, no problem