Chapter 107 - Mermaid kingdom (1/2)
[Somewhere in the middle of the open field dungeon]
The four of them sit down, forming a small circle so that they can talk what they would like to do in the future. It's obvious that each one of them wanted to save their love one at Kiserre, not wanting them to meet the horrible fate that they barely managed to escape, but as of now, they're powerless.
”Isn't there anything we can do?” [Teenage girl]
”As of now, our own safety should be our top priority” [Young dwarf]
”Agree. We might be safe now here, but that doesn't mean that they will stop chasing us down. Right now, we are in the position to tell the world what had transpired in Kiserre. We can't possibly go back only to be captured, and we can't allow ourselves to be captured by them before telling others about what happened, so right now, there's one thing that we can do” [Adult man]
”And that is?” [Teenage girl]
”We become a traveler and stay here” [Adult man]
”Huh?” [Dwarf man]
”Traveler?” [Young deer girl]
”What, what do you mean!” [Teenage girl]
”I'll explain. Right now, as he said, our own safety comes first, so how about we live here near that mysterious lady as a traveler. She might not be our ally, not to mention her behaviour is suspicious. I mean, she literally stands there doing nothing!” [Adult man]
”But she's a good person!” [Young deer girl]
”I know... she did protect us back then and should the same happen again, I'll say there's a good chance she will do the same again” [Adult man]
”I see, that way, there's no guarantee but that's better than nothing” [Young dwarf]
”Then, how about telling others about what happened?” [Teenage girl]
”Obviously, we can't go to Estel as there's risk we ran into them once more, so, what we should do is...” [Adult man]
~Follow along~
Right now, we just cross the middle half of the rock and sea dungeon, making this the Estel's side of the dungeon. With nothing else to do, and with me having zero confidence singing in front of Ram, Qis, Diana and others, I just hum something, and the younger group as usual, begin to imitate my action
~Eyes widen~
”That's nice” [Elise]
”It sure is!” [Mara]
”I wonder if I can sing as good as the princess” [Kara]
”Her voice is as good as an elf!” [Farhah]
”Huh?” [Charlotte]
”Elf are said to be natural born singer” [Rean]
”The more you know” [Zerolith]
”You just know that didn't you Zerolith” [Ash]
”Looks whose talking” [Qis]
”Is it true...” [Karon]
”No way! Brother Ash is smart!” [Singa]
”Yeah, there's no way he wouldn't know that!” [Savel]
~Louder gulp~
”What a warm environment” [Ram]
”Yeah, glad I insist on not taking the rude captain back along with us” [Ash]
”Agree” [Qis]
”That's rare” [Ash]
”I simply agree to it. Plus, you also knew how he behaved towards The Princess” [Qis]
”Well, it can't be helped. Plus, the situation dictate that he should be there at Malsia” [Diana]
”Kids, don't be like that rude captain when you grow up, promise?” [Ash]
”Promise!” [Kids]
Let just stopped discussing about it right now. It will only sullen the mood, plus, we can't let the kids be involved in political matter (and for them, they might not want to involve a traveler with their internal issues). Well, I might live there, but I still haven't given up my status as a traveler, I'm sure there's a reason as to why Goddess Achalasia started me as a traveler.
”Huh?” [Ash]
”What is master doing there?” [Rean]
”With Sis Alice nonetheless” [Zerolith]