Chapter 91 - At Estel part 5 (2/2)

”Oh no you don't!” [Qis]

The sphinx try to stomp Sis Qis, but she quickly counteract by stabbing her Rapier into one of the blood vessel and

”Acid!” [Qis]

A burst of blood with some volatile acid spurt out, severely injuring the sphinx. The sphinx try to use it tail which is there no more as it get quickly cut by Mr Jacks

As for me.

(Focus, increase the temperature of my fire, imbued it with darkness magic as well) [Ash]

(Having difficulty my dear child? Don't worry, you can do it. This is only the beginning of your journey) [?]

””!!”” [Jacks, Qis]

That voice, can they hear it as well. No, from the looks of it, they don't, but they're focusing on something else, they're focusing on my katana...

”Huh?” [Rean]

Since when? I don't understand this... but

”Haaa!” [Rean]

Dashing and leaping forward, I use each and every muscle in my body to slash my weapon, right into the magic core. It strong, but

(This mysterious power, it helps) [Rean]

I don't know how, and why, but there's something strange happening to my mana outflow, almost as if, it's getting a buff from someone else, but if it helps to defeat this sphinx, then be it!

”ROARRR!” [Sphinx]


””Haaa!!!”” [Qis, Jacks]

The two of them come to help, and with the three of us combining our power


The magic core shattered into thousands of pieces, and the sphinx move no more

”Pheww...” [Rean]

””...”” [Qis, Jacks]

”Why are you...” [Rean]

”Forget it, we have more important things to do now” [Qis]

”Yeah, don't you think you can run away” [Jacks]

”I guess I don't knock him hard enough” [Rean]

The three of us knock the priest back into unconsciousness