Chapter 68 - Selfish? (1/2)
[Kara's point of view]
Goodbye gold.
When we are all inside the Rock and Sea dungeon, Brother Ash managed to slay a treasure turtle and the loot of the treasure turtle is a 24 carat gold shell. It's pretty and if can I would like to have my hand on some of the simple jewelry. It is a selfish request and thought in my hand as being able to live and eat in such a wonderful mansion itself is a dream come true for all of us. Never in my mind would I consider wearing a gold as I know how expensive it is.
When Brother Ash mentioned to us that he will sell the gold to the merchant guild, he mentioned about not wanting thievery to happen around us, I can understand the logic behind it but having to sell such a wonderful item is a waste.
I can see Elise, Mara and Farhah actually also think of the same thing. As for Charlotte, she only thinks of it as a pretty shell, she's a tad disappointed as well but I'm sure her reason is slightly different from us
As we are descending a floor
”Ahh...” [Kara]
”Bye gold...” [Farhah]
”Hope we meet again” [Mara]
It's looks like our thoughts accidentally leak out from out mouth. As for Elise, she's disappointed as well and wanted Brother Ash to search for another treasure turtle. I guess us girls can't help it when it comes to this kind of matter. I'm sure each one of us wanted to make some simple gold chain like Princess Diana
(Princess Diana, she's pretty and her simple yet elegant accessories really make her stand out. How I wish I can copy her) [Kara]
Plus, she's nice to all of us and did not even bother making friends with us, that all add up more to her beauty
Once we're on the 20th floor, Charlotte actually manages to detect a group of mermaids ahead all of us. She really is amazing when it comes to water related thing and it just make me curious as too why. Her affinity towards water element magic is sky high, even Brother Ash himself seems surprise, and the for better of worse, it will keep on growing. While we are happy for her, we also felt dreaded hearing about it. If by chance another war happen and the royal and noble heard about her amazing ability, she will get taken away from us and...
(No, I'm sure Brother Ash will protect us!) [Kara]
Just like how our parent have been protecting Mara and I before they ended up dying, I'm sure Brother Ash will do the same. In fact, I'm sure Brother Ash is a gift from God herself, at least that's how I look at him. I still remember how both mother and father keep on praying for our safety and I heard that in their final moments, their final prayer is for us to always be safe and happy...
The mermaids seem to be in a panic, and the reason is
”A group of Megalodons!?” [Mara]
”That's right!” [Charlotte]
”How did you know?” [Rean]
”I just... know?” [Charlotte]
Instinct? That seems to be the case
”Just what kind of excuse is that!” [Zerolith]
”Hey, don't scold her!” [Farhah]
”I didn't!” [Zerolith]
”Both of you, just keep quiet for a while!” [Elise]
””Sorry...”” [Zerolith, Farhah]
”Haha, serve you right!” [Savel]
”Savel!” [Kara]
”Ouch ouch, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” [Savel]
That's one bad behaviour, us the older group have been tasked by Grandpa Claude and Brother Ash to guide the younger group
”Meow!” [Behe]
”It's looks like Brother Ash manage to defeat most of them! That's our Brother Ash!” [Singa]
”That's quick” [Karon]
”This is Brother Ash we are talking about! A school of fish is nothing for him!” [Zerolith]
”And that's the shark missiles bringing the loots” [Mara]
”Let just sort it out first” [Rean]
”Right!” [Others]
Brother Ash must have dive deeper into the ocean. The crystal he is looking for is situated deep inside, so he will take some time to get it and resurface back. So it's better for us to help him sort the loot first, and once he's done
”A marine spawning block!” [Ash]
”It is” [Rean]
”Another rare item” [Elise]
”Will you be using it to upgrade the training hall?” [Kara]
”I think I will do just that!” [Ash]
Brother Ash sure is lucky, he had a zombies spawning block and now a marine spawning block. Just what is the condition for such item to be dropped by monster?
With seven water crystal stone collected, Brother Ash decided to went back home. All of us agree to it
~Horse neighing~
Ohh, a knight coming from Malsia's direction. I wonder why he is in such a hurry. The galloping of the thunder horse is clearly heard as it gallop through the dungeon
Its night time and all of us are drowsy. As per instruction, we are going to clean ourselves first before going to sleep
”Charlotte, at least change your clothes first!” [Elise]
”Don't wanna!” [Charlotte]
”Mara, Farhah, you too!” [Kara]
”five more minutes” [Mara]
”Ten more minutes” [Farhah]
”Why you guys, chang...!” [Elise]
Elise suddenly stop, and we can hear Grandpa Claude, Brother Ash, Rean and Sis Rafiah headed outside. What happen? And Grandpa Claude suddenly come inside and that's!!!
”Stay back all of you!” [Rafiah]
Sis Rafiah warned us
”That's a ghost eater and a wraith!” [Elise]
”Damn! What's it doing here!” [Zerolith]
”. .-.. .. -- .. -. .- - .. -. --. / - .- .-. --. . -” [Housey]
”Go Housey!” [Singa]
And the two monsters vanish from Housey's light attack. We attended Grandpa Claude and he seems just fine
”Thank goodness” [Rafiah]
”Yeah” [Zerolith]
”Ohh, you are agreeing to her, that's new” [Mara]
”Shut it!” [Zerolith]
”Shut it, shut it!” [Charlotte]
”Charlotte!” [Kara]