Chapter 35 - Making new friends part 3 (1/2)

”Ray, just what are you doing here?” [Ash]

Ray, the eldest son's of Borg and Lin, He's around Rean's age, and he follows his father blonde hair with blue eyes

”That...” [Ray]

”Answer me” [Ash]

”Please don't scold him, we are all to be blamed as well” [Mile]

Mile, the second child, she's 11 years old, the same age as the twin. Mile also follows her father in term of hair and eyes colour, basically blonde version of Lin who have southern Asian looks

”That still didn't answer my question” [Ash]

As for the other two, Kat, the third child follow her mother appearance, but she is smaller than Farhah despite both beings 9 years old. Lastly Blanc, having the same hair and eyes like his mother, 5 years old, same height with Charlotte.

”Sigh...” [Ash]

They still didn't answer my question, maybe I am being too harsh here but that's because I am worried

”Look, I promise I won't scold you. So please just tell me, I can't just ignored the four of you, not when your parents are one of my friends” [Ash]

”Promise?” [Blanc]

”Promise” [Ash]

As they're looking at each other, I can see their pouch are full of Pitchy flower, and based on the knowledge blessed to me, it's used to treat diarrhoea...

”Something happen to your parent?” [Ash]

”Mother and father, both of them contracted the endemic disease, and they're both in dire state” [Ray]

”Ehh? Your mother was alright yesterday” [Ash]

”She had been taking care of father who contracted the disease earlier, plus...” [Mile]

”The endemic this year are lethal as compared to previous year, and with how the church racking up the price of medicine and healing services...” [Liyana]

”I see, so that's what happens” [Ash]

Basically, they're desperate for cure. Their parent were on dire state, and they couldn't afford any sort of treatment, so the only thing left is to make the medication itself and hope for the best. That's admirable, still...

”Sigh... tell me, did your parents know you are here” [Ash]

They shake their head

”Did you at least tell Syah or Mimi?” [Ash]

As expected, same response

”Sigh... don't worry, I promise I won't tell them about what you did” [Ash]

”Really!” [Kat]

”Yes, I'll say I accompanied all of you today to enter the dungeon, but do me a favour next time will you?” [Ash]

”?” [Ray]

”Next time, don't do something so reckless, Ray, Mile, you did realize what you are doing are dangerous. If I wasn't there, all four of you will be death, guarantee.” [Ash]

””Yes...”” [Ray, Mile]

”And next time you want to enter the dungeon, tell me, I'll make time to accompany all of you” [Ash]

”Really!” [Ray]

”I will” [Ash]

They look happy, I did promise that I wouldn't scold them, but that doesn't mean I should praise their actions just now. They're literally being treated as hunting material by the orc, and the orc treated it like some kind of sport.

Well, I should postpone our training session for now, don't want to make Borg and Lin, and by extension Syah and Mimi worries about them.

I bring out the bus golem back and let all of them enter. Rean and Zerolith seem to be having a chat with Ray, while the girls are chatting with Liyana, Mile, and Kat. As for the younger group, they're playing with Blanc and Behe. Oh, better bring out some food for them, they must be hungry and thank god there are enough foods for everyone,

”...” [Ray]

”What's wrong?” [Rean]

”Can I, bring some of it back home?” [Ray]

”I see...” [Zerolith]