Chapter 31 - Abyss (1/2)

Yeah, getting scold by a king is no joke, I can't even utter a single word to defend myself. Even Diana remains silent the whole time. Both of us are getting scolded for acting too hastily, and as for me, the king also scold me for the inappropriate act of shaming the idiot Duke's son

”Just don't do it again next time!” [King Estel]

””Yes”” [Ash, Diana]

At the end of the day, I'm lucky for not getting any sort of punishment, plus I do understand his scolding is for our own benefits, just like how Claude and I scold those kids when doing something wrong. King Estel dismiss me, and when I went out of the room, I can hear Diana sad voice, on verge of crying, and King Estel fatherly voice consulting her. Thank goodness

It's almost dusk, and I still haven't visited Gizzere yet, not to mention Rean's training for today as well as looking at Alice condition. Should pick up my pace for now

”You there, stop!” [Duke]

Nope, to tired to argue, so let just get going

”I said stop!” [Duke]

Well, no, bye

”If you don't stop, who knew what will happen to those children” [Duke]

”...” [Ash]

”Ohh, finally sto... urgghhhh!” [Duke]

With me choking him and lifting him up, the terror look he has, begging for mercy begin to appear. Using my darkness magic, I planted a seed inside his mind so that his terror will grow exponentially

”You, I can't pretend I didn't hear that, so let me just said this, you might know how to play in the dark, but never set your eyes into the abyss” [Ash]

And with that threat, I release the now pale Duke. It's an empty threat that I hope won't happen, but should he decided to mess with me, then I'm well-prepared to do just that.

(It's a good thing that he decided to meet in empty hallway) [Ash]

Across the hallway, I can feel Qis mana signature. There are few young healers treating her. Must be due to the endemic disease but just what is it? Still, I'm no doctor like my mother so the best that I can do is pray for her

(Get well soon) [Ash]

(Release me, Ash) [Maria]

(!) [Ash]

Mother? But where? I can't sense her... I must be tired




Well, time to meet Gizzere, or so I thought. Gizzere seems to be dealing with merchant from other countries, from the conversation I have with her son who is working as an apprentice at the merchant guild, its look as though they are preparing for the usual endemic disease. Such terrifying thing. The endemic kinda resemble that of a Typhoid Mary case, or maybe even the Cholera outbreak that John Snow solved that my mother use to tell, only at a larger scale, plus since this world have magic, that should also be put into consideration. Let just hope they managed to solve this endemic.

At the end of the day, I can't find any good worker, even with her son's help. If only Alice can work with me

”Let just go back home” [Ash]

I'm tired. Today have been one hell of a roller coaster ride for me. Even the Kebab stall owner, who hate gossiping, bombarded me with question after question, especially why I have been summoned by King Estel together with Diana. No, its have nothing to do with romance, so stop making that face, and you the bystander there, what do you mean I should just go for it!

”Come again” [Kebab stall owner]

I buy 30 mini kebab from that stall, as well as some banana cake from nearby store so that we can all eat together.

The usual dusk greet us, and with me opening the front door, Savel is currently trying to activate his Dragonewt blood, rush to slam me