Chapter 29 - Helping Alice part 4 (1/2)

”Princess Diana! Jacks! Ash!” [Alice]

”Tch, a nuisance have come” [Duke's son]

”Get away from her!” [Samurai Jacks]

”Guards, get them!” [Judge]

”Ye...” [Knights]

And there goes the remaining knights, getting a free trip to the ocean depth with my raging sea current magic. Let just hope they don't drown.

With the opening I have created, Jacks instantly rush towards Alice. That idiot noble try to stop him, only to get his sable slice by Jacks wind katana before getting thrown to the sea just beside him by Jacks.

”Jacks, Jacks!” [Alice]

”Thank goodness you are safe!” [Samurai Jacks]

”Jacks, Jacks!” [Alice]

”Alice...” [Samurai Jacks]

”Diana, is it just me or are those two really, really really close” [Ash]

Yeah, couldn't emphasize the really part enough

”They sure are” [Diana]

So it wasn't just my imagination then.

”I should let Jacks become her knight in shining armor just now” [Ash]

”Well, that will be a nice story to tell their children in the future” [Diana]

Oh, the idiot son try to get back up, and that old man looking like a judge try to help him, well-then, how about I give both of you free lift

”Whaat?!” [Duke's son]

”This water magic?” [Judge]

Getting inspired by Charlotte's water ball magic, I try to do the same, entrapping both of them in a giant sphere made out of sea water from the dungeon, only leaving the head free for them to breath while keeping the rest of the body submerged. As an extra protection so that they wouldn't do anything stupid, I freeze the water surrounding their bodies so that they wouldn't move. Seeing this, Diana takes a step and move towards both of them, and naturally I follow suit

”Now then, where should I start” [Diana]

Her royal aura radiates once more. The two of them try to think of an answer

”Well, how about we begin by asking the judge there, why do you agree to do such a thing” [Diana]

”That's...” [Judge]

So he couldn't think of any answer, should threaten him a bit

”Answer her quickly or else you will be sleeping inside a Megalodon stomach!” [Ash]

And there he goes, getting dragged down quickly towards the ocean depth by my magic before quickly emerge back after a short 200-meter dive. He is now gasping for air, looking at his pathetic state, Diana then proceeds to ask the idiot son some questions

”Now, if I recall, your brother Ceanu Reaves had told you not to lay your hand towards Alice, and here you are, trying to stab her, do you have any good excuse for that?” [Diana]

(Wait, his brother name, mehh... I must be overthinking, I mean it's just a coincidence, yup, a coincidence for his brother name resembling a certain famous artist) [Ash]

”That's because she wouldn't accept my proposal, she should be grateful and yet!” [Duke's son]

”Such petty reason, and here I am, looking up to your older brother, but look at his younger brother now...” [Diana]

”Why does it always have to be him! Just why!” [Duke's son]

”Maybe because Sir Ceanu Reaves isn't someone like you, a sissy that only knows how to lay his hand towards children and women” [Samurai Jacks]

”Jacks, can I just said that is probably one of the sickest burn I have ever heard in my life” [Ash]

Yup, Jacks sure is angry there, well, who wouldn't when. His (girlfriend? Maybe...) are constantly getting harassed by this sissy idiot and just now, about to get stabbed... Still, there's something that I just don't understand