Chapter 27 - Helping Alice part 2 (1/2)
[Alice point of view]
There he is again, constantly harassing me even after I refused his proposal politely. It's obvious what he's after, that eye, I see nothing but lust, my whole body shiver just thinking about what will happen I do accept his proposal.
”Come now Alice, you are smart and beautiful lady, you don't belong to this shit hole here. The fact that you still live here just broke my heart to million of pieces” [Duke's son]
”Thank you for your concern, but I'm perfectly fine by living in this ”shit hole” here, now if you excuse me, I have works to do” [Alice]
”Why you, know your place, you're only a commoner here, shouldn't you abide to us!” [Duke's son]
(There he goes again, with his two faces. The other adventure as usual are concerned and wanted to plunge him somewhere else, but they couldn't because of his status. Well, just stay silent and he will go away) [Alice]
”Hey, what was that just now?”
”Isn't that a Behemoth? Why does a Behemoth suddenly appearing inside the city wall?”
”Could it be, the divine blessings of Goddess Achalasia is...”
”No way!”
”Is this because of Princess Diana supporting the saint and saintess”
”No, there's a random malignant wormhole appearing”
”We must defeat the Behemoth quickly”
And with that, the adventure started to respond, as for Duke's son, he fled back to safety. Oh, how I wish the behemoth trample him...
(Still, a behemoth appearing inside a city...) [Alice]
”Wow, did you see that?”
”That kid, who is he?”
As the adventure make a ruckus while watching the watcher, my eyes become attracted to the same watcher that they watched as well. Just what is that strange weapon? And he, he managed to solo a behemoth! That's insane
”Alice, you have any idea who is he?” [Ram]
”No, no I don't” [Alice]
His strength, it must be that of an S rank adventure, but us in the guild will memorize the face of an A rank adventure and above, but he is definitely not one of them
Now, he is being escorted to the castle, and looks like the watcher still display his action after defeating the behemoth, so just like the others, I join in watching
”You fool! Know your manner” [Duke's son]
So, he is there... quite ironic as he himself doesn't have any sort of manner
”Oh please, I'm not a monkey to be reminded of some simple manner thing like don't shout in this hall. I just don't feel like greetings the other” [Ash]
”!” [Other]
”Haha, that kid got some gut!”
”That Duke's son can go to hell”
”Agree” [Samurai Jacks]
Even Jacks agree, that just show how much the adventure hate the duke's son. Only the Eldest's son of the Duke's household are reliable, the rest however... but sadly the duke's eldest son are on a trip to other country, thus that guy started harassing me once more even after his eldest brother punished him... such coward
”So he is a traveller”
”Hey, his speech, he will be executed if he keeps on saying with that tone” [Borg]
”Eh?!” [Syah]
”He refused...” [Mimi]
”He does...” [Lin]
”Did he just bring out the behemoth corpse In front of the royal and noble”
”He sure does...” [Alice]
What a sight to behold, to think that a traveller like him can defy the noble and royal, and here I am, stuck because of my own weaknesses.
”From here on out, I will protect you guys, until the day you become an adult, and as such please call me Brother Ash” [Ash]
”Yes, Brother Ash!” [Charlotte]
I recognize those ten, they are the orphans! The eldest boy, he keeps on peeking at the adventure guild every so often, and the fox girls, I can see that she had to constantly begging others for food, even searching the dumpster to feed the other. Is he really going to take care of them? As they begin to search for an inn, the watcher that displays those kids disappear.
Sigh... I should go back home. My shift already finished long back.
”Ohh, Alice, you won't believe who just checked in!” [Alice's mom]
”Who?” [Alice]
”It's the young man that defeat the behemoth just now, he really did come with those ten orphans”
”What!” [Alice]
”Quiet, they are sleeping” [Alice's dad]
”Sorry” [Alice]
I see, so he decided to stay here for now, sigh... should tell the guild master Ram for now.
”Just wait until tomorrow” [Alice's mom]
”Yes” [Alice]
Should follow mom advice, plus, who knew what will happen if that idiot duke's son suddenly decide to show up.
”Ash wasn't it?” [Alice]
”Oh, you must be the Innkeeper's daughter, Alice, nice to meet you” [Ash]
”Pleasure is mine, thank you for staying at our inn” [Alice]
”Well, those kids are starting to have panda eyes last night, and your parents decided to call me when I was searching for an inn, so that's why I chose this inn” [Ash]
”I see. Ash, can I ask you a question?” [Alice]
”Sure” [Ash]
”Would you like to be an adventure, with your strength, you can start straight away as an A rank adventure” [Alice]
”?” [Ash]
(Is he confused, no he is thinking about it. I should explain to him about the benefits of high ranking adventure) [Alice]
”Well, I'm sorry but I have to refuse” [Ash]
”!” [Alice]
”You look surprise, well I'll just explain why, basically the same reason why I decided not to work under King Estel, freedom. Plus, I have ten siblings to take care right now, so I can't just leave them alone when traveling to another country” [Ash]
”Understood, it's a pity but you are more than welcome to join us if you have a change in mind” [Alice]
”I'll consider it” [Ash]
While helping those orphan to decorate what Ash called as an album, mom suddenly tell me something unbelievable