Chapter 20 - Imitating (1/2)

This might come out strange, coming from a guy like me, but god, the back of the adventure that carries me sure feel comfortable, I'm sleepy right now... NO! Get ahold of yourself, resist those sleeping temptation, you are being watch by other through that watcher thing! And you, nice Mr Adventure please pick up your pace or else, I will be the laughingstock of the entire country!

(Dear Goddess Achalasia, just why do this watcher thing exist in the first place! Sincerely Ash) [Ash]

Speaking of the mystery of watcher, there are still many things that I couldn't comprehend in this world, well as mentioned before, the watcher that enables those outside the dungeon to watch event happening in a dungeon is one thing, but the dungeon itself? Just how in the goddess name did a blue sky exist inside a dungeon? And if I'm not mistaken, Claude had said about the devil invasion, just what are they? Are all of this connected... well, my drowsy head can't think straight right now, so let just sleep shall we?




”No!” [Ash]

”What happen?” [Mr Nice adventure]

”Haha... nothing” [Ash]

Gosh... that was embarrassing

Still, with that shout, I can now see the center of the city, as well as the guild master Ram and Charlotte over there, wait a minute

”You guys! What are you doing here?” [Ash]

”We thought of waiting for you here, can't we?” [Charlotte]

”I see, sure you can” [Ash]

”Are you alright?” [Rean]

”Mostly, no need to worry much” [Ash]

That's sweet of them, can't scold them for that, in fact I think this must be how a father felt like when their kid greets them back home

”We make lunch for you as well!” [Farhah]

”Thank you! I am starving right now” [Ash]

”Well, before anything, just get yourself treated first! The water behemoth might have healed those wound of you but let the guild healer see your condition first” [Ram]

”But I'm hungry...” [Ash]

”Just take a sandwich there and go!” [Ram]

”If you said so...” [Ash]

Wait a minute,

”You guys, have you guys eat anything?” [Ash]

”...” [Kids]

”I knew it!” [Ash]

They must have waited so long for me, not even bothered to eat anything,

”Don't do it again alright!” [Ash]

”Yes...” [Kids]

”Ram, I will eat first and get the treatment later, doesn't want to delay their lunch” [Ash]

”How about all of you went ahead to the guild and get yourself treated there first, as for the kids lunch, I will buy some food from the stall right now” [Mr Nice adventure]

”Really? Thank you so much, here are some money for their food” [Ash]

”It's alright, this time its on me, just think of it as our token of friendship” [Mr Nice adventure]

”You really are nice guys, Kids, said thank you to this Mr Nice adventure and his party, be sure to be like them when you grow up” [Ash]

”Thank you!” [Kids]

”Don't worry, and you're welcome” [Mr Nice adventure]

Well, they are nice people, as they make their way to buy food from nearby stall, a familiar face finally decided to show up

”Move it!” [Rude Captain]

And yup, that's him alright, the same knight that picked me up the last time when I was summoned by King Estel summon, If I'm not mistaken his name is... what was his name again? Diana had told me before, but I couldn't really remember it. You know what, let just called him Rude Captain

”You there! Come to the castle right now” [Rude Captain]

”Negative” [Ash]

I just doesn't want to meet those greedy eyes once again, plus couldn't they send someone nice for once!

”Why you! You can't do that” [Rude Captain]

”Well, I'm sure can” [Ash]

”This is a royal order!” [Rude Captain]

”Oh please, King Estel and Diana knows how much I hated those greedy eyes, plus there's no way they will send you to pick me up” [Ash]