57 Talent Vs Potential (1/2)


Kuda snorted as she heard the Sovereign's words. Potential? Wasn't talent a measure of potential? As far as she was concerned she only had four rivals in this world, and none of them had a teacher as amazing as her. Thus, it was only a matter of time before she stood at the peak.

Her master's words made her uncomfortable as he rarely spewed nonsense. That's all this was, nonsense, her ego wouldn't allow her to think otherwise.

”Master, please tell me what's so special about him. His smoke? It isn't bad but he couldn't possibly reach a high level of cultivation like me. Not to mention, the spell cast on him is still in effect. No way he will surpass me.”

The Sovereign cast a glance at Saru. ”Please,” He said gesturing to Kuda, ”Why don't you explain to her why Taku is so special.”

Saru gulped then nodded. After all, even if her station stood far below her master's, she was still a gold level talent. Within ten years she would be strong enough to snuff him out with her pinkie.

”Ehem, Lady Kudakwashe. The smoke is more than a result of a fusion between both souls. Think of it this way, if both souls were purifying each other, why would a third suddenly exist? Thus the only conclusion is that he is absorbing remnant souls, these make up the smokes energy source. While the two provide the traits.”

Kuda's face contorted In confusion. ”What is a remnant soul?”

Ticha piped up this time. ”The energy we Gutu use is zesa. But it is not the only energy that exists. The first form that energy takes is called World Energy. This is produced in nature. When a person dies and their soul enters the cycle of reincarnation, some remnants of that soul remain, and these remnants are in the form of traits. If a fire manipulator died for example, then the remnant soul bits left behind would be fire manipulation bits. These would fuse with World Energy, forming what we know as zesa. In other words, zesa is World Energy that has fused with soul remnants.” Ticha paused for a moment to gather her thoughts then cleared her throat and continued. ”Taku is constantly absorbing soul remnants, each with individual traits. At some point in time, the more domineering of them will engulf the others. Resulting in the smoke having more than just one. How many it gains, only time will tell.”

Kuda frowned once she understood the crux of the matter. This was what her master meant by potential. The Sovereign was the one to finish it off.

”Not only that. The smoke is constantly absorbing remnants as time passes by, fixing the deficiency created by the Soul Deviation. Gutu powers come from the soul. As he is constantly absorbing new souls, each with their own abilities, his talent is constantly in flux, and his ability has no stable form. Making both unidentifiable.”

”But master, why would he atttact remnants in the first place?”

”The reason is simple. Conservation of energy. The two souls are purifying each other, creating a soul energy vacuum that needs to be filled. Since a third party was needed to act as the neutralizer, the smoke happened into existence. Gold level talent? Taku could have a higher level. An amazing ability? Taku could theoretically do everything. But this is reality, and his body can only handle so much. Hence the uncertainty of his future.”

Kuda snorted once more and went back to training. She still found it hard to believe. After all, she was only a child. This conversation of theory and what not failed to interest her any longer. As far as she was concerned, this Taku would learn his place when her sword tasted his blood.

The sovereign shrugged, ”Sorry about that guys. You know how these geniuses are. They think they are everything.”

Ticha recongnized his chance and took it. ”No need to apologize Sovereign. She is truly a one in a billion talent. Worthy of your teachings.” Saru smirked, the man never missed a chance to bootlick.

”Anyway guys, I'm interested in this Taku kid. Saru, if you hand him over to me, I will owe you one favour. Think about it.”

Saru replied immediately, ”You can have him Sovereign!” Ticha clicked his tongue in envy. A favour from The Solitary Sword Sovereign himself. There was nothing he could think of that was more valuable.

The Sovereign smiled, ”Good. Saru, make the necessary arrangements and have me get close to this kid. I need to be extremely close to properly observe his situation. This has to be covert, as you know, other immortals are observing my movements.”

Saru nodded grimly. ”Sir, remember that the child was chosen by Sekuru Kaguvi. Please be careful.”

The Sovereign frowned, ”Kaguvi huh...man I hate Gutu immortals, always getting involved in the matters of their descendants. At least its Kaguvi, he is lax, he probably won't take much action. Not to mention that Kaguvi was a maniputor who knew next to nothing about soul theory. But if memory serves, he did have a soul art that is pretty handy. That's probably what he gave the kid. Anyway, we have to do this on the down low. Saru, you know what to do. Oh yes, I almost forgot.”

”Bwah!” A loud sound of exhalation came from behind as Bhure was freed from his ice prison.

Bhure had attacked the Sovereign without knowing who he was, thus his unfortunate fate. Fortunately the Immortal has a new play toy which brought out his good side. Bhure immediately kowtowed and apologized which the Sovereign waved away saying 'no big deal'.


Taku and Maka were reviewing his knowledge on Martial arts. Maka thought he knew nothing, it turns out that he did know a martial art! The Butterfly Dance.

At first Taku mentioned it in passing, but Maka found it strange. How could a dance learned in a small village relieve fatigue and make one fleet footed. The young man had completely forgotten about the dance due to the events of the last four years. Dancing was the last thing on his mind.

As Taku kept executing the dance, Maka had an idea. ”Attack me.” She said whilst he danced. Taku's face screwed up in confusion but he complied. Both their faces contorted this time only from shock instead of confusion.