29 M-mother?! (1/2)

At this moment, seeing as how the spear Taku threw did not pose any threat to it, the Python decided to attack.

It shot its large body towards Taku, but just as it was a meter away from him it suddenly threw its head into the air and let out a shrill scream. Taku used this moment to grab tino and ran.

”How did you know that it would land on the pythons body?” tino asked whilst running.

Taku sighed and then smiled wryly. ”To be honest it was a bit of a gamble. At the time I could not see the full body of the snake, so I just calculated where the tail might be and I got lucky. But those spears are strong to be able to injure a tier 1 beast without us using any Zesa.”

Tino smiled and replied. ”Those Spears are made from a mineral called Sirivha. It is not a rare mineral, in fact there is a lot of it back at the Foot guard. This mineral is very hard and can only really be broken by beasts that are above the second tier but it can help a normal human being fight a tier 1 beast.”

The two then looked back to check on the current situation of the python.

The Huge Python was clearly in pain, and as it looked behind it saw the reason for its pain. A large silver spear was lodged into its body. It did not bother to remove the spear as it looked back towards where Taku and Tino were, only to see the two almost several hundred meters away.

The Python did not waste time as it charged towards the two. The boys looked behind and saw it coming so they decided to increase their speed, and it was at this moment that Taku and Tino felt a somewhat warm feeling coming from their stomach going up to their chest area.

They both knew what this signified.


This was the moment that both of them had been waiting for, but it was unfortunate that it came during such a difficult situation. They both needed to find a place to quietly sit and meditate so that they could circulate the strand of Zesa through their meridians and organs.

At the moment they had no way of doing so due to the huge Horned Python that was currently chasing them. If they were able to shake it off then they could freely breakthrough, but this was easier said than done.

The horned Python was famous for its speed and could easily catch up to the two children.

Taku then spoke. ”Give me your spear!”

Tino hesitantly gave Taku the spear as he asked. ”Do you really think that it will fall for the same trick twice?”

”You would be surprised….” Taku replied as he threw the spear into the air again. To Tino's surprise Taku had not thrown it towards the snake's tail, but instead he had thrown it straight up.

”What are you….” before Tino could even finish his sentence a shrill scream sounded out from behind them. Turning around Tino noticed that the python had another spear lodged into its eye. The Python did not bother to pursue them any further after this. It quickly turned around and fled.

The two heaved a sigh of relief as they also fled in the opposite direction. Tino did not have the time to ask any question as the two found an abandoned cave and sat inside in the lotus position.

Taku at the moment was feeling very hot from the energy that was inside of him. This made him think of the small little cub that was in his storage sack. He made a mental note to check on it after he was finished with this matter.

Taku suddenly breathed in deeply to calm himself. Even though it was rare, quite a number of people had failed at this very first step. Back in the foot guard the children were given detailed information on the process of breaking through.

Back at the Foot guard he had learnt that the first step was rather slow and would take at least a couple of minutes if not hours to finish. But to Taku's surprise, the minute that he controlled the strand to move, he seemed like he had completely lost control of it as it raced through his meridians and organs.

He knit his brows when he saw this scene. It was safe to say that this was never recorded in any of the information that the Foot Guard gave them but he quickly sighed in relief when he saw that the speed brought no negative effects.

He was just about to relax when suddenly the Zesa inside him moved again and went for a second round of purification.

This greatly shocked Taku, because as far as he knew, when a person senses Zesa for the first time then it would only circulate once.Surprisingly the zesa within him had circulated twice. As soon as the second circulation was completed Taku opened his now bright eyes. Just as he was about to cry out in excitement he realised that his body was sticky all over.

As he noticed this a very pungent smell suddenly penetrated his nose.

After checking on Tino and realising that he was far from completing his first cycle, he quickly left the cave and then searched for the nearest water source. It was here that he began asking himself questions and attempt to search for any related info inside his head.

It was the first time that he knew of something like double circulation and what really gave Taku a headache was when he realised that he had no organ that was ”Specially” purified by the Zesa.

All his organs were purified all the same. Taku was hoping to take this chance in order to figure out which class he belonged to, but at the end he was naturally disappointed.

He had also once heard that a cultivator had attempted to double circulate with his first strand of Zesa, but the result was that the man ended up becoming crippled. So why was he able to do it without any consequence?