27 Proposal (1/2)
Old Man Anglius raised his hands quieting the entire auditorium once again. He then looked up at Shinzo and spoke, ”This seems to be worth pursuing, please go into detail.”
Shinzo smiled and began to explain his plan in more detail to everyone present. It took him hours to explain it, but from time to time one would hear gasps of shock and awe at what Shinzo had said. After the entirety of Shinzo's plan had been explained, massive, thunderous applause was expressed. People's shock and awe at the Yamato Shagunate had increased; their sheer espionage skills shocked everyone. It was no wonder they managed to remain one of the five super powers despite the fact that their nation was extremely small compared to the others.
After Shinzo explained the plot that his country had come up with, the other twenty three dignitaries engaged him into a debate trying to see if they could come up with a better plan. After much deliberation, it was decided they were going to relay all of this information to their superiors and then going to see if they could actually come actually come up with a way to execute this plan.
During the entire debate between the twenty four dignitaries Albion was the only dignitary who had said nothing the entire time. It was only when the debate was finishing that Anglius, being the witty man that he was, looked towards Albion with narrowed eyes.
He raised his arm signalling the entire auditorium to quiet down, then looked at Albion and asked, ”Your Highness do you have something to say?”
The other twenty three dignitaries at the table were chosen because of age and experience but Albion was far, far, younger than the other twenty three. Most of the people in the stadium believed he should have been in the stands like the other dignitaries instead of being one of the main twenty four. However his work history and circumstance gave him the qualification to sit at that table making many people uncomfortable. Albion knew this, hence he kept quiet for most of the meeting , he did have something to say but knew that his time would come, now that Anglius had approached him, Albion knew that his opportunity to speak had come.
”Thank you, Sir Anglius for the opportunity you have given me. My fellow noblemen, as you are well aware, the Gutu are quite united, however don't let it fool you. They are as fragmented as they are united, as Sir Shinzo just showed us there is a way for us to attack them from the inside. Although Sir Shinzo's method is good, I feel we should take a more delicate approach.”
Anglius raised a brow at Albions words: his curiosity had been piqued. Shinzo could not help but frown at these words, for the young man was now tearing down what he had spent quite abit of effort to build. Albions' efforts were no different to slapping Shinzo in the face.
”Siren if you please.”
Siren raised her right hand and a dark blue sigil appeared, none of the dignitaries moved because they were aware of what she was doing. This was a common spell for sound proofing a certain area. Albions' intention was that no one outside of those sitting on the table would hear what he was about to say. Siren dropped her hand and things continued as they were.
”Forgive me for taking these extra ordinary measures, but I feel as if it is possible for my next words to cause quite a stir; thus the less who know the better.”
Anglius nodded giving his approval; it was common place for such an action to occur during meetings of such great importance. They were an alliance however they were not completely unified. Everyone at the table was aware of this so no one objected to Albions actions. Infact the majority of those at the table did not want so many people to be attending the meeting in the first place. They believed that only those who were at the table should have attended, however the five great countries were far too large. Thus there were many nobles and politicians who wanted a piece of the cake that was the Gutu Empire. To appease these nobles, the five great nations allowed them to attend this war council but at the end of the day they were no different from place holders.
Siren's spell was not only a sound-proof spell but it also created a misty haze around those sitting at the table, preventing those who had skills like lip reading from finding out what was occurring. This without a doubt aroused the ire of quite a few nobles but albion believed the gamble was worth it.
”This, this is…”
Anglius wanted to speak but he didn't know quite what to say. He did not expect such a bold plan to come out of the young man's mouth and if it was true then the consequences would shake the continent at its very foundations.
”This is outrageous!”
”This is absolutely foolish!”
”Young man understand that what you have just proposed could put us all at risk.”
Multiple voices showed their discontentment after a brief moment of silence due to the plan Albion had proposed. Many dignitaries did not even speak but merely snorted in disdain. Anglius was stuck in-between a rock and a hard place: should such a plan work the results would no doubt be fantastic and be exactly what everyone needed; however should it fail, the consequences would be catastrophic.