13 Windsor (1/2)
Just the mentioning of the Yamato Shogunate made McLeod frown quite a bit.
”Aye, their shinobi are known as the best spies in the world. From recon to undercover work to assassination, they can do it all. During The War of Sages and Saints they out did all other intelligence gathering organizations by manifold and are one of the two reasons the Yamato Shogunate are so powerful, despite being the smallest and least populated empire.”
”It is said that one of their best shinobi can even steal a living soul from the underworld. Although it is an a bit of a stretch, it just goes to show just how frightening they are.” Added the charming woman.
”Good.” Windsor placed his hands behind his back and looked at the duo. ”Now despite being so impressive, why on earth does the Alliance know next to nothing about the Gutu?”
McLeod and the charming woman kept quiet, because they felt as if the answer would be a dangerous one. ”I know you are all afraid to say it so I will. It's obvious that the Yamato are keeping information from us!”
”Hold on lad, I understand where you are coming from. You aren't the last person to say this nor will ye be the last, but let's calm down and think about this. What would those freaks gain from withholding information from us when they are also part of the Alliance?”
”McLeod, they might be part of the Alliance but keep in mind that they are still the most detached entity within. If we do gain something in this war they gain the least, but at the same time they would have lost the least amount of troops in proportion as well. So, if they didn't share the information they had on the Gutu, it can only mean one thing. They want us at the front lines to suffer as much damage as possible.”
”Hold on there you witch, they would also be in trouble if we don't win this war so why would they deliberately do this? All the nations are in this together, so they are in the same boat as us.”
”Are they McLeod? Look around and tell me.” said Windsor.
McLeod looked at their ship and his frown worsened. Indeed their crew consisted of people from various nations, but McLeod could not see a single person from the Yamato Shogunate. In otherwise, the Yamato were not in the same 'boat' as they were.
Windsor smiled wryly and patted McLeod's shoulder. ”Old friend, I know you like to see the best in people, but sometimes there is more than meets the eye, despite what we might want. I have heard from many of my uncles that the Shogunate is part of the Alliance in name only.”
”Indeed, I have heard such as well, however Captain the Shogunate are men who value honour, and they are well known for following through with their word. So perhaps there is no need to worry.” The charming woman stretched and yawned after speaking.
”My dear Siren. I have a question for you.”
”Please go ahead Captain.”
”If they are so honourable, then why do they have the best spies in the world?”
McLeod laughed as soon as he heard what Windsor said, it was indeed quite a good point, honour and espionage do not go hand in hand. Before the conversation could continue, warning sounds started ringing across the entire fleet. Then a panicked voice reverberated across the ocean.
”Enemy attack!”
Mountains are the goliaths of nature. A single mountain can act as the entire centerpiece for a terrain. Thousands upon thousands of creatures use mountains. Thus it would make sense for one to believe that a mountain was something that humans would look at in awe, yet for the Gutu, mountains were no different from glorified stepping stones.
Boom boom boom boom!
An army of Gutu warriors adorned in golden armour were performing a feat that would cause the other inhabitants of the Western Continent to open their mouths till flies enter.
Boom boom boom boom!
As if they were skipping along on a grassland, the procession of warriors were jumping from mountain top to mountain top. At the head of the procession was a child who looked around ten years old. The child's body was exceptional, barely a single flaw in sight. Eyes that were like the ocean, deep and unfathomable. Skin that shone with a lustre that made stars envious and a baleful aura that would put even the most well known of killers to shame. With beautiful short spiky hair, the young child at first glance looked like someone who would grow up into being a handsome young man.
Adorned in golden regalia, the child led the procession in their mountain jumping endeavor. Each jump covered at least 30 kilometers, yet no one even broke so much as a sweat. With a grunt, the procession made its last jump, this time lading on flat land.
Boom boom boom boom boom boom!
Like a barrage of missiles landing on an unsuspecting target, the procession completely destroyed the land beneath them. They were on the edge of a cliff, overlooking an ocean that stretched into the horizon.
The child, who had knelt when landing, stood up with a serious expression. As it stood, the natural energy in its surroundings seemed to resonate as it oscillated at a rate visible to the others.
”As expected of your highness. Even the zesa in the surroundings is obedient to you.” said a large strong looking man. His uniform seemed a bit different to the others and he had the bearings of a leader.
”Hmph!” The child snorted and looked toward the horizon. After snorting once more in disdain, the child then look behind.
”There is no need for any of you to act. These are mere pests that don't need our attention.”
”Yes your highness!”
The entire army did a kneeling salute.