The Flood Dragon was evolving and his aura increasing. He was shedding his skin and his flesh growing.
His wings spread and new limb come from his shoulder, which bulky like apperence, then its tail like sharp with spike glowing on it's back. It's mouth have razor sharp teeth's, and it's high increasing incrediable rate.
When this transformation tooking place it's aura spreading in all direction.
In the middle of the East Seas Sect on top of the peak mountain. The elder with red beard and long red white hair seated on the carpet. He feeding creature who looked like cat. Which has tiger like strips over all on its body. And white skin. Sharp blue eyes. And small limbs on shoulder. It looked towards direction of flood dragon and roared timidily. Elder who was feeding it also looked toward that direction and said something in one breath that no one know.
In the on of the Kingdom.
One the throne seated a young man and small golden crown on his head. He looked towards flood dragon direction and then toward young guy who seated on side of that man. Only in one look that young guy stood up smilingly. And dashed out of palace.
All super powers of the Azure continuent woken up by aura of flood dragon. Because in Azure continuent all dragon species are extinct. In the past Azure continuent is filled with Dragon and other species who called divine beast. But after war all divine beast come to extinct because of the one evil dragon who wanted to rule all Azure continuent. That dragon have broken through skysoul realm which was peak of the Azure contineunt. He was so strong that many sect, big clans, and empire destroyed by it. When all super powers got to know about this they united as one and bended to kill that Dragon. But that Dragon so strong because of it fled. And no one knew where it was gone. There was rumor that in this world there other continuent. But no one know how much truth in it.
Then afterwards all super powers killed dragons, and tamed them to serve them. And whenever any other beast is awakening it's bloodline to evolve in Dragon, all super power send their young generation to kill that dragon and obtain it's blood and core. Whorever able to kill that dragon he or she able to get large share. And other will get small share. Because dragon blood used for draco pill. Which used to break through from core formation to core gathering tier.
And now they feeling the aura of dragon which was evolving faster rate than anything they saw in hundred years so all super powers exited about it.
But they did not know this will be bringing calamity on young generation, because the dragon evolving is pure blood dragon who have power three tier above him. Only Rex know about it and his mood in excitement. Because if fought with this Dragon he able to absorb his real body faster rate. And he did not have to worry about injuries because his injuries healing rate faster than bleeding.
All Super power used their best devices to reach toward dragon faster rate.
In the East sea sect one young man and beside him other two girls who was leading young cultivators beside him. They all entered in spatial named device which used for traveling. Seeing the ship that sect gave them for traveling they know this will be long journey for them and on of the exiting one.
The young man who was leading with other two women sidestepped and said. ”Elder sister Tasha and Elder sister Rou sect was using to much resources for this trial. And they hopping one of you will be leading sect in future. So we have to do our best in this trial. If we able to kill Dragon then both of you have opportunity to break through core gathering tier. And will have smooth journey afterwards.”
Elder sister Tasha who was listening only gave cold sneer to that young man. And not looking toward him she entered in ship. And Elder sister Rou smilingly said. ”Tej I know your ambition but you have to know even we sisters rival we are not fool and don't forget if I want I will kill you here and now. And about marring my sister forgot about and about me don't even dream about it. Whorever able to defeat me in young generation will be my fiancé. And you understand that. So I warn you don't use underhand tricks to win our hearts. You will be get killed cruelily.”
Saying that she also entered in ship with other young generation. And young man named Tej face only having smiling expression but his eyes giving murderous vibe. No one know what he was thinking except elder sisters who know everything about him from childhood. But always ignored his threat because they believe in their power.