Chapter 216 - Multiple Girlfriends (1/1)

”Ming Ming, we can't take something like this. It's too precious!” Aunty Li felt happy that Feng Yi destroyed the vase Wang Ming had brought, as she couldn't accept something so expensive. But now Ming Ming wanted to gift them her painting, even though she knew nothing about art, she had heard the price tag from Wang Ming. It cost 500 thousand yuan!

”But…” Ming Ming's eyes teared up, she thought that Grandma Li didn't like her and her gift. The painting is her most precious item, so she wanted to share it with Qiao Meng's family.

Even though she felt bad refusing Ming Ming, she couldn't take such an expensive painting from a little girl who doesn't know its true value. She didn't want to take advantage of a little girl. They would never sell the painting, but it's not right.

Ming Ming jumped off Aunty Li's l.a.p and ran towards Wang Ming with the painting in hand. ”Be careful Ming Ming don't tear up the painting.” Stopping immediately Ming Ming gently rolled up the painting then ran to Wang Ming and cried in his embrace. ”Daddy, third grandmother doesn't like me!”

Wang Ming had a wry smile hearing her complaints. He knew why Aunty Li didn't accept the gift. But Ming Ming's too young to understand something like that. The only thing she thought is that she refused her gift, then it meant that Aunty Li didn't like her. ”Of course not, sweetie. Aunty Li loves you to death already. Let me talk with her okay?” He whispered into Ming Ming's ear, which made her giggle and stop crying.

”Aunty Li. I know why you won't take Ming Ming's gift. But please accept it. Like I've said we're family, I'm going to gift you 5 restaurants soon. The painting's nothing compared to that. Please take it. The gift shows how much Ming Ming appreciates you guys. This is her most prized possession.”

Aunty Li knit her eyebrows together for a second but then released them she felt conflicted but in the end she said. ”Then I will accept the gift. But I'll only accept this one gift, we won't take your restaurants. Please don't gift them to us, we are old, how can we manage the restaurants. We're happy that you are wealthy enough to take care of our daughters. Me and my husband are going to die soon we don't need money, we only want our daughters to be happy.”

”But…” Now it was Wang Ming's turn to say but. Of course he couldn't cry and act up like Ming Ming.

”Now young man, you listen to me!” Aunty Li showed just for a glimpse why Uncle Hung fears her so much. ”We appreciate your thought. But we don't need your money. As long as you can take care of our daughters, it's more than enough. If you want to do something for us, then never hurt Qiao Meng. Thank you.”

Aunty Li reprimanded him exactly like how a mother would do to her son, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. Even though she did it with a stern voice, Wang Ming could hear the genuine care in her voice. ”I understand.”

Uncle Hung laughed and said. ”Now you know why I both love and fear her. She's the most genuine person I know in this world.” Wang Ming also laughed and said. ”Like mother like daughter, huh?” Qiao Meng's face reddened, but she felt happy that Wang Ming thought so highly of her. The entire room soon erupted with laughter, which made her even more embarassed.

Finally, having no outsiders and no reservations, they all talked to each other. Uncle Hung hooked his arm around his neck, Wang Ming could smell the alcohol from the man's breath. He hadn't drunk a lot, but more than enough to warm him up. He kept rambling in Wang Ming's ear, which Wang Ming politely answered back to every time. But then he changed topic to something more serious.

”Son, thank you so much for being Qiao Meng's girlfriend. I regret every day that I betrothed Qiao Meng to the bastard Feng Yi. He's sc.u.m, his father's sc.u.m. His father wasn't like that before he was an upright man, just like me, hence why I arranged their marriage.”

”But he changed when his family got more powerful and richer. He became a corrupt man doing anything to advance his career. His son is just like him. I hired a private investigator to investigate him. Feng Yi has at least 5 girlfriends. The worst part is that he's playing them all, they all give him their money and love. When he's bored, he'll just leave them, that's why I don't want to give Qiao Meng to him.”

Hearing Uncle Hung talk so hatefully about the fact that Feng Yi had multiple girlfriends made Wang Ming sweat. Wang Ming didn't want to lie to Qiao Meng's family, but he didn't know how to say it. He couldn't really say I have 3 girlfriends, right after Uncle Hung said those things about Feng Yi.

But he couldn't hide it either. It would be worse for their relationship if Qiao Meng's parents find out later. What would it say about Wang Ming? He's a lying bastard just as bad as Feng Yi. Taking a deep breath, Wang Ming said it.

”Uncle Hung, I have 3 girlfriends, including Qiao Meng. Ming Ming is one of my girlfriend's daughter. But she regards Qiao Meng just like her real mother. The painting she wanted to give you shows it, a man with his 3 concubines and their child riding a dragon.”

Even though Wang Ming only meant for Uncle Hung to hear first, everyone in the room had heard their conversation. The atmosphere was like he had dropped a bomb in the room. Aunty Li stared at him with a death glare, like she wanted to kill him.

But what she didn't understand is that Qiao Meng had no reaction towards what Wang Ming said, almost like she knew?