Chapter 193 - Telling the truth (1/1)

Wang Ming told his women about everything except from the trials he has gone through and about the artifact talking to him. They couldn't believe what he said, but that's the only thing that could explain how his wounds had recovered so fast. At the start Wang Ming didn't want to tell them about artifacts, as he didn't know if it would do them any good to know. But when he found out that Lang Lin had heard about it, he told them about that too.

When he asked her about it she didn't want to answer him, the only thing she said to him was. ”It's related to my mother.” Her face looked so sad it seemed like his question had made her think about terrible memories. He didn't know what had happened to her mother. But clearly it's a sad experience. He hoped she would open up, eventually.

Qiao Meng and Fu Ya just had wide eyes listening to Wang Ming. This information changed their perception of this world. They thought that artifacts and powers were just something in books and movies. They had a hard time believing it yet they had to, Wang Ming's a living proof.

Wang Ming even made a point by doing a few push-ups, sit-ups, and even pull ups on the toilet door. His body had healed a lot in only 1 night, they had witnessed how bad his condition was just a day before. Ming Ming understood nothing, but she had starry eyes when she realized her Daddy has superpowers.

She wanted Wang Ming to perform magic tricks, but sadly, even though Wang Ming had an artifact, he didn't have any special powers to show except from his strength and healing. Though he didn't want to disappoint Ming Ming so he did something which he thought was a brilliant idea.

He asked a nurse for a scalpel, which is a request they would normally refuse, but since Wang Ming is in a VIP ward, she complied as heir superiors had told them explicitly to satisfy any request from this ward.

Wang Ming was then ready to show Ming Ming his trick, Lang Lin, Fu Ya and Qiao Meng all looked at him nervously. A scalpel is very dangerous. Even though it's tiny it's incredibly sharp, doctors use it to cut into human flesh, with just the wrong move you could cut a deep wound to the bone. Fu Ya didn't know what Wang Ming was going to do, but she had a bad feeling about this.

”Hubby, don't do anything stupid okay?” Wang Ming smiled and then cut into his arm with the scalpel. Not deep enough to make a serious wound, but enough for it to bleed. They gasped seeing Wang Ming's stupid action, but just as Fu Ya was about to scold Wang Ming, the wound started healing with a rapid speed, in a matter of minutes the wound healed like it was never there.

Ming Ming gasped when she saw that the wound suddenly disappeared, she screamed ”awesome,” and gave Wang Ming a hug. She wanted him to show her more, but Fu Ya scolded her. Even though he could heal the wound, it didn't mean that the action didn't hurt, and she didn't like to see Wang Ming getting hurt. Even Lang Lin and Qiao Meng scolded him for being reckless.

”Hubby if you could heal your wounds this fast then why didn't you heal your wounds when you saved me?” Fu Ya felt curious. She could clearly remember Wang Ming's condition two days ago when he saved her. If he could heal his wounds so fast, then why didn't he do it last time?

Wang Ming didn't know how to answer Fu Ya. The reason he didn't do it last time is because he couldn't. He honestly still didn't have a good grasp of the limits of his body, he just had a feeling that he could heal the wound. ”I couldn't last time, but now, I have better control of my powers.”

After talking, Fu Ya's eyes teared up again. Seeing Wang Ming's wounds made her think of when he saved her. ”Hubby, please next time just abandon me! Don't risk your life just to save me. I'm not worth it… If something happens to me then please take care of Ming Ming. Ling, Meng, please watch over them if something ever happens to me.”

Hugging her, Wang Ming petted Fu Ya's head and said with a caring voice. ”Silly, if any of my girls are ever in trouble, I will gladly risk my life to save you. Lang Lin, Qiao Meng, I'd do the same for you guys too.” The women blushed. After this event, none of them doubted his word. Though they all hoped that something like this would never happen again, they didn't want Wang Ming to risk his life again.

”But, now excuse me.” Wang Ming didn't want to ruin this romantic moment. The pink hue on their faces just made them look even prettier and cute. But nature was calling, he had held it in for far too long, if he held it in anymore then a disaster would happen.

Before he could even take 1 step, Ming Ming grabbed his leg and grinned. ”I want to play with Daddy! Can you show me more magic tricks?”

”Ming Ming please, Daddy needs to go to the toilet first okay?” Wang Ming didn't think that Ming Ming would suddenly grab his leg like that, he could barely hold it in anymore, the dam would soon break. ”No, I want to see a magic trick, now!” Ming Ming chose the worst timing to be playful, but since she wanted to see a magic trick, Wang Ming would show her one.

”Okay, Ming Ming, I will show you a magic trick. Release my leg first, then I'll show you.” Ming Ming felt doubtful but still let go, the moment she did Wang Ming shouted ”vanish” and ran as fast as he could to the toilet which made the women laugh, Ming Ming didn't understand why her mothers was laughing but seeing them laugh, made her laugh as well.

Hearing the girls laugh made Wang Ming so embarassed fortunately none of them could see his face now. It was even redder than a ripe tomato.