Chapter 149 - Private time (R.-.1.8 Warning) (1/1)
Wang Ming didn't take Lang Lin and Fu Ya's actions lying down. If they didn't help him, then at least he would punish them. Grabbing both women with each arm, he started to his merciless attack by tickling them. He kept tickling the sides of their stomach until both women started screaming and laughing. Lang Lin tried to give in first, as she hadn't gone to the bathroom yet and almost peed herself. ”Wang Ming, please stop, I need to pee.” But her pleas fell on deaf ears as he kept going.
”Hubby please stop, I can't take this anymore!” Fu Ya tried next but still to no avail. He kept his attack going strong making both women gasp for air, they both tried to get away from his claws but it proved futile. Ming Ming seeing her parents all playing with each other wanted in, so she tickled Fu Ya and Lang Lin's feet, which made things even worse. Lang Lin couldn't hold it in anymore she would pee on the bed at any moment but right as she couldn't hold it in anymore, Wang Ming stopped.
Lang Lin didn't know if she should breath or pee first, but Wang Ming decided for her. He grabbed her in his arms and carried her to the toilet, then closed the door behind. When Wang Ming walked back into the room, Lang Lin could hear Fu Ya shouting at Wang Ming, though she couldn't clearly hear what they were saying. The shouting died down after half a minute but followed with a loud sound, like someone falling.
Feeling curious Lang Lin hurriedly cleaned up, she also put on some lipstick and just a dab of makeup, which made her cheek glow. Exiting the bathroom, Lang Lin walked with fast steps back into the room. When she opened the door, she saw Wang Ming straddling Fu Ya in only his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r. She couldn't believe how fast things had escalated, jumping on the bed Lang Lin tried to make her presence known, she wants to be Wang Ming's first.
But when she saw what Wang Ming was doing, she regretted she tried stopping them. Wang Ming was holding Fu Ya down while Ming Ming drew on her face with a sharpie. She had completely misunderstood the situation she thought that Wang Ming was kissing her as from her angle she couldn't really see properly.
It seemed like Ming Ming had a great time drawing on her mother's face, Fu Ya tried to struggle but still she couldn't beat Wang Ming's power. But luckily after a few minutes Ming Ming stopped as she felt tired, Fu Ya stared daggers at Lang Lin as she didn't even help her, even though they are rivals in love, Fu Ya has gotten to know Lang Lin a lot better the last few weeks, they've turned from strangers to good friends. Fu Ya doesn't have many friends in her life as most abandoned her as soon as she got Ming Ming. Lang Lin is one of the few she feels like she can tell her problems and weaknesses without being laughed at.
Seeing that Ming Ming stopped, Wang Ming also released Fu Ya, who gave Wang Ming a hard slap on the back as revenge, but sadly the slap hurt her hand more than it did his back. ”Now Ming Ming, it's time to sleep. You're 6 years now, you can start sleeping on your own.”
Ming Ming of course didn't want to sleep alone, she loved being with her loving parents every night sleeping with them. But this time Ming Ming didn't argue with Fu Ya, as they had made a deal already. She would sleep in the room next door tonight, then Fu Ya would convince Wang Ming to take her out on a full day of eating and playing.
”Yes, Mommy.” Ming Ming gave Wang Ming, Fu Ya, and Lang Lin a kiss before she went into the other room to sleep. Wang Ming wanted to tell her to stop, that she could sleep here, but Fu Ya stopped him. ”Don't worry about her, I gave her an alarm button if she presses it the alarm will beep loudly.”
Wang Ming felt confused, ”But why?”. Fu Ya rolled her eyes at him and looked with a mocking look at Lang Lin, who nodded back at her and grinned.
”You're dumb as a bread sometimes, but you're probably also the luckiest person in this world.”
Lang Lin and Fu Ya both jumped on Wang Ming at the same time and pinned him down. They both alternated in kissing him, after a few kisses Lang Lin kept exchanging spit with Wang Ming while Fu Ya kissed further down Wang Ming's body, she went from his pecs, down to his abs, Wang Ming felt ticklish as Fu Ya also gave him hickeys all around his body.
Lang Lin envied Fu Ya, there's no way she could do what Fu Ya's doing, she's inexperienced, never had s.e.x before. Her heart beat loudly from witnessing how bold Fu Ya is and how much p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e she's giving Wang Ming. Soon Fu Ya arrived at Wang Ming's t.h.i.g.hs with a swift movement. She tore off his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r.
Fu Ya felt just as nervous as Lang Lin, but ever since she and Wang Ming kissed, she had craved for this moment. She has had problems sleeping at night because her body feels like a volcano ready to erupt. She had planned to have s.e.x with Wang Ming today, just the two of them, but Lang Lin had skewered those plans. But then having her here or not doesn't matter they're both Wang Ming's girlfriends it's only the question of eventually before they all have s.e.x together.