Chapter 123 - War (1/2)

”What? You wanted to sleep with me?”

Wang Ming felt like his brain had short-circuited. Even though they had shared a passionate kiss, he didn't think that their relationship would go so fast. Not that he minded, he felt so overwhelmed at this moment that he didn't really know what to think or say.

”Fu Ya! You're supposed to support me. How can we let Wang Ming be like this? It isn't 1000 years ago where men could have multiple wives if he could afford it. Why are you trying to snatch him away from me? Didn't we talk about this to compete fairly with each other?”

Fu Ya smiled at Lang Lin, after the first time they met at the restaurant Lang Lin and Fu Ya both realized their opponents feelings for Wang Ming. A few days later Lang Lin came to Fu Ya's shop to talk about their feelings it was then they came to an agreement to fight fairly for Wang Ming's love.

”I'm sorry, but since you don't want Wang Ming, I'll take him for myself. We never agreed on. If someone gives up or Wang Ming does something bad, then both of us have to give up.”

Fu Ya wanted to explain more but stopped herself as she wants Lang Lin to give up. Then she wouldn't have any other competitors. Though she could see that Qiao Meng and Wang Ming have a spark with each other, but it's still too soon for them. If she could capitalize now, she would win the race.

She had thought about it. And Wang Ming's d.e.s.i.r.e isn't the worst. Many people d.e.s.i.r.e lots of unrealistic things. Like becoming a billionaire, some even have darker d.e.s.i.r.ed like assaulting or maybe even killing another person.

And as long as you don't act on those, it's fine, Fu Ya just had to be a good enough girlfriend for Wang Ming to only d.e.s.i.r.e her and no one else.

Fu Ya thought she had won before the war had even started, but when she saw Lang Lin smile brightly, she realized that Lang Lin had probably figured it out as well. She could only hope that the next words coming from Lang Lin's mouth are that she gives up.

She has always been confident in obtaining the love of any man, as they have always been crowding around her like flies. Though fewer approached her after she got pregnant and got Ming Ming, but every time she went out without Ming Ming men would flock around her again.

But Lang Lin and even Qiao Meng are both strong opponents. She has always felt that she has more than ample curves and assets, but sadly Lang Lin beat her in c.h.e.s.t size while Qiao Meng beat her in how big and curvy her a.s.s is.

She's second place in both divisions, but luckily size isn't everything. She felt confident that Wang Ming would like her curves as even though she's not as big as them, her b.r.e.a.s.ts and a.s.s aren't small at all.

”Well, since you won't back off Fu Ya, I have no reason to back down either. Since Wang Ming wants both of us, we just need to compete until he choses one. Let's compete like proper a.d.u.l.ts, no backstabbing, no deceit that could hurt us or Wang Ming ok?”

Wang Ming didn't know what was happening at all, Lang Lin was first against it but now she want's to be his girlfriend? Are they both his girlfriends or are none of them his girlfriends? He had no idea anymore.

”So are you both my girlfriends now? Or are we still just friends?”

”Have you even listened to our conversation? Even though we've talked with each other, the main subject is still you. Me and Lang Lin have concluded with, that we both love you and we'll compete for you, it means that we are both your girlfriends but don't think for a second that it's permanent, it's just a temporary solution until you choose or one of us gives up.”

Wang Ming didn't know how they had come up with this solution, as they had barely talked with each other since he came. But he would be crazy to say no to their solution.