Chapter 99 - Buying ingredients (1/2)
The signing process took about an hour as Wang Ming had to read through it multiple times to see if there were any hidden clauses, but he felt satisfied it wasn't after his fifth time reading it. After signing the contract, Wang Ming gave the sisters an additional 5% commission to each of them. Even though he hadn't commented on their situation, he had heard them talking about it. He hoped the money could help their situation. If he could prevent a woman from selling herself, he would definitely help.
”Thank you so much Wang Ming, if you ever want to buy another house or need anything for the house at all, please call us! We'll definitely help you!”
”Thank you, Mr. Ming. You don't even know how much this will help us.”
”No, thank you guys for recommending such a beautiful house to me, if you ever need something also then you know where I live.”
Wang Ming bid the sisters goodbye and made his way to a store to buy items. Since the house comes furnished, he doesn't need to buy furnishings.
Luckily Wang Ming could move in directly and didn't need to wait. As usually you have to wait until all paperwork is complete before moving in. Wang Ming had told the Cheng sisters about his living situation, so they talked with the owners, who had no problems with letting him stay in the house for now, as he had already signed the contract and transferred the money. Especially since no one was living there, anyway.
But he would need to get personal items, hygienical items, and groceries. Since he can't operate his restaurant for a week, he could instead try to make new recipes. He would also need new recipes for the other restaurant he wanted to open at Weng Ping's place.
Thinking about Weng Ping made Wang Ming sigh. He felt so disappointed in himself for believing Weng Ping, but he felt even more disappointment and disgust at Weng Ping's behavior. But what made Wang Ming hesitate in just punishing Weng Ping directly with Peng Tong or Meng Hao's power, it made no sense to him how much Weng Ping had changed in just a few days, there had to be more behind the incident, it had to.
Though at this point Wang Ming didn't know if it even mattered anymore, as even if someone forced him to do what he had done, he would never have the same relationship with Weng Ping ever again.
”Sir! Do you need anything? Our shop has almost everything! It's one of the best convenience stores in the North of Liaoling city [1].”
”I need toiletries do you also know somewhere that sells meat and vegetables?”
”What is toiletries? If you want to buy food, the grandpa down the street sells a lot of it!”
”Little boy, toiletries is what you use in the bathroom, like toothbrush, toothpaste, soup, deodorant.”
”Ah thank you, uncle! My daddas shop has a lot, I will get it for you.”
”Thank you little boy, please grab me anything you think I will need. I just bought a new house so if you have any other items except for furnishings you think I will need then take it. Also, if you have any gifts, you think will fit a small girl younger than you, then please take it as well. I'll be back soon I'm just going to check out the store on you mentioned.”
The boy that had been talking with Wang Ming then huddled away to grab items for Wang Ming. He wasn't sure if the boy knew what furnishings are, but he probably wouldn't get all the items by himself but ask for help from his parents. Seeing the boy made him remember when he helped at his father's restaurant when he was a toddler like that little boy. He would talk with customers and entertain them with his mother.