Chapter 70 - Feelings (1/2)

Taking out his phone, he gave Lang Lin a call. He didn't want to let the food out for too long. Since the dish is best served now, if he reheated it now, then he would mess up the Xi Zai Qing (The premium soy sauce).

”Lang Lin, where are you? You should've been here 10 minutes ago. I just finished making the food if you don't come soon, the food's going to get cold.”

”Sorry I'm on my way, AH.”

”Hello, Lang Lin, you there? Hello!”

Wang Ming said Lang Lin's name a few times through the phone, but he didn't get any answer. Then something happened which made him worry. The call disconnected. Had something happened to her?

Seeing the worried look on Fu Ya's face, Wang Ming just shook his head and smile before walking to the door to check if he could see Lang Lin. But he couldn't see her, only strangers walking past his restaurant. Some people that passed by wanted to enter Wang Ming's restaurant as they could smell the Lo Mein, which had an exquisite smell. But Wang Ming wasn't selling today, so he declined them.

Closing the door, Wang Ming went back inside to give Peng Tong a call. To find a person, it would be much better to use a group rather than Wang Ming going alone. He didn't know if something had happened to Lang Lin yet, but the calls to her cellphone didn't go through and her scream at the end of the call made him worried.

”Little Brother, I need a favor. Could you send a group of brothers out to look for Lang Lin? I don't know if she's close to the market or not, but when I called her she sai she was on her way to my restaurant. So the chance of her being in the market is high.”

”No problem Big Brother, I'll find her don't you worry.”

”Thank you, Little Brother I'll send you a picture.”

Right as Wang Ming was going to send a picture he heard someone whispered into his ear. He had focused so much at the phone call. He didn't even realize someone had opened the door and entered his restaurant.

”Why do you have a picture of me?”

Hearing someone whispering so close into his ear, with a seductive voice, made Wang Ming sweat. Looking at the person who had whispered into his ear, he felt relieved to see that it was none other than Lang Lin.

”Peng Tong never mind I found her. Sorry for the trouble, Little Brother. Let's talk another time.”

Hanging up the call, Wang Ming looked at Lang Lin and just sighed.

”What happened, Lang Lin? I heard you scream then I tried to call you back but the calls couldn't connect.”

”Sorry, I bumped into someone so I dropped my phone into the ground. Now it won't power on anymore. What happened with you Wang Ming why are you so paranoid.”

It was now Wang Ming's turn to say sorry. He had become too paranoid after the incident at the factory. He needed to calm down, it's not like kidnappings happen every day.

”I apologize, a lot has happened. I'm just worried about you, you are an important person to me.”

Lang Lin felt her face go red when Wang Ming said that she's important to him. He was important to her too, Wang Ming's one of the few genuine friends she has. Even though they hadn't known each other more than a few months, Wang Ming had shown her how good of a friend he is.

”Thank you, Wang Ming. I didn't mean to be mean, I was just teasing you. You're important to me too now let's eat.”

Still feeling stuffy, Wang Ming hurriedly placed his hand on Lang Lin's lower back and guided her inside. He felt this wasn't the right moment to talk about feelings, especially not with Fu Ya and Ming Ming in the room.

”Hello, Ming Ming. Hello Fu Ya. It's nice to see you again. Sorry I'm late to the double date.”

Fu Ya's face reddened when Lang Lin mentioned double date. She felt like it implied that Lang Lin and her is both pursuing Wang Ming. Fu Ya wasn't sure what she felt for Wang Ming, she didn't know if she should friend zone him or if she should consider him as a romantic interest. She's felt torn as Ming Ming's has never been this close to a man ever and she definitely felt something for Wang Ming, but she wasn't sure and ready yet.