52 Successfull day New version of Storm Brewing (1/2)

(New version of this chapter completely removed the conflict)

Wang Ming thanked the gods that Lang Lin instantly defused the situation, but what Wang Ming didn't know was that Fu Chunhua and Lang Lin went home both in a bad temper, though they didn't want to show it in front of Wang Ming.

Wang Ming thanked the gods that Lang Lin instantly defused the situation, but what Wang Ming didn't know was that Fu Chunhua and Lang Lin went home both in a bad temper, though they didn't want to show it in front of Wang Ming.

After Fu Chunhua, Ming Ming and Lang Lin went home. It was finally time for Wang Ming to open the restaurant for customers. Wang Ming wanted to serve customers as he also had Peng Tong and them there, but didn't think it was too appropriate since Uncle Hou and Fu were there.

Opening the restaurant door and keeping it open, so that the aroma from the food could make it way out to the street. Wang Ming went inside the get pamphlets he had made to give out to people passing by. Wang Ming remembers that there were people watching the opening ceremony, but since he used over an hour before opening the restaurant, they most likely went on with their business.

Walking back to the door, the sight by the restaurant door shocked Wang Ming. It had roughly been 5 minutes since he opened the door and to him finding the pamphlets. In that time frame, there had come over 50 customers to the restaurant. Some of them were in groups, such as families and friends some alone, all 16 tables became occupied and a queue had even started to form outside. They had most likely come because of the smell, looking at the people in the queue some were salivating while they were smelling.

Seeing Louzheng franticly running around taking orders, Wang Ming put down the pamphlets to help him. His initial plan was for Louzheng to take orders and Wang Ming to cook, but since all his food was precooked already. Wang Ming didn't need to do much cooking else from cooking the rice, and then he would only need to plate the food.

There were three pieces of meat in a clay pot, he had given out seven clay pots already, which meant he had 28 pots left and roughly 80 pieces of meat. This was something Wang Ming needed to track, since when he runs out of meat he would need to close the restaurant. Wang Ming had earned no money yet, so this was the way he had to do things for now.

Though having so many customers already is a good sign for him and his plans. If he could sell all the food today, he would have enough money to buy even more ingredients to sell. Depending on the earnings he could also hire someone to help him, though this would also depend on the consistency. If his restaurant died down in some days, then he would lose money on hiring an additional worker.

Helping Louzheng to take some orders to lessen his load and stress. Wang Ming then ran to the kitchen and started to do some simple plating. Wang Ming started to work on the orders by taking out the meat from the clay pots and cutting them each into small cubes and putting them on their respective plates. Since Wang Ming wanted this to be a family restaurant, he wanted the food to look good and appetizing for both old and young.

He would serve two different versions if there was a family with young children, he would on the plate with meat and vegetables also put two rice balls but he would shape it like a cat's face. Shaping ears with rice and putting some nori on it to form the face. The other version would be with more vegetables and would have a more tidy and clean look.

Wang Ming and Louzheng worked with great speed and synchronization. Wang Ming felt it was great working with Louzheng, he was very serious and they had good teamwork with each other almost like they had worked together for many years. Many times he didn't even need to tell Louzheng to do something, glancing at Wang Ming once he instantly knew what to do. There were some times where Wang Ming needed to tell Louzheng what to do or correct him, but that was expected.

Working their way through orders everything went smoothly, after a half hour they had taken orders and served the 1st 16 customers of the restaurant. There were no complaints and everybody were eating happily. Done in the kitchen, Wang Ming then walked around the restaurant to talk with his customers, since he was curious about what they really felt about his dish. Though not wanting to impose on their meals, he only asked and answered short.

Wang Ming felt satisfied by all the answers he got, most of the customers meant that this was the best braised pork belly they had ever eaten. And the ones that knew a little more about food all praised his effort in making the pork belly tender. Hearing people appreciate all his effort really made it feel great. The most important thing for Wang Ming was that he was satisfied with the dish, but getting recognition from others felt great.

After talking with all the customers, Wang Ming saw that Louzheng started to take payments and customers leaving. So he made his way back to the kitchen and started to prepare more pork. This was how the four next hours went.

Wang Ming felt happy that they had sold out only after 4 hours. They had been having customers and a queue since he opened the restaurant. If this kept going, he could probably earn a fortune of millions in no time.