39 Wine (1/2)

Finally, having the time to make food, Wang Ming couldn't help but feel excited. This was what he loved to do ever since he was young. This was the only thing Wang Ming was thankful that his father had taught him. Since young, his father had used a lot of money to teach Wang Ming on how to become a great chef.

Thinking about this, Wang Ming couldn't help but sigh. He had to pay his father back for that favor, if his restaurant did well. Wang Ming couldn't see how his restaurant would not do well. He had learned a lot about food and being a chef, since he was young.

Looking at the meat he couldn't help but get excited. This was where Wang Ming would create a masterpiece he just felt it. He had some recipes all ready in his head he wanted to try out, but also realized that some of them would take up to a day or two. Since they had to absorb the marinade.

Wang Ming went with the trial-and-error method and grind out every recipe he knew. Starting with the classic Braised Pork, which had a good sweet and savory taste from the soy sauce, sesame oil, and rice wine. The texture of the pork though was a lot more chewy ten he desired. Since pork belly has a layer of fat on top and tough meat underneath, cooking it this way wouldn't give Wang Ming the texture he desired, which was soft and tender.

Since most of the recipes out there didn't put too much emphasis on changing how the texture on the pork is. And put most of their time in letting the pork absorb the flavor, Wang Ming thought that it could be a great stand out point for his dish to be tender as tender as even wagyu beef. It would also give his dish an image of being a higher quality also, since tender meat tend to be more expensive though depending on what meat and cut it is.

He could beat the meat to make it more tender, but he didn't want the meat to be flat, but in a square shape like how braised pork usually look. He would also destroy and tear the fat if he flattened the meat. Wang Ming felt that the taste of the pork was satisfactory, but the texture was not.

Now fixated on making the meat tender, he kept trying different methods to make the meat tender but couldn't succeed. He tried using different acidic condiments like vinegar and lime juice. The acid breaks up the proteins in the meat, which makes it tender, though he had to find a good balance. Since if you use too much of it, the effect will be reversed and make it toughen up.

Feeling frustrated, Wang Ming couldn't help but slam his hand on the kitchen counter and shouted in frustration.

”Please, someone help me.”

As soon as he said those words, he felt a hand touching his shoulder. Jolting in shock he looked behind him. And saw that it was Louzheng that had come back with all of his things. Looking at all the things that Louzheng brought it shocked him to see that the book was in there, the book that changed his life. He still remembered it disappeared after last time. Why was it back now?

Taking it in his hands, he looked questioningly at Louzheng and asked.

”Where did you find the book?”

Having a puzzled look at his face, Louzheng answered.

”This is the first time I've seen the book. I went through all of your things and didn't see this book before. Are you sure it's not from the restaurant?”

Seeing that Louzheng didn't know, Wang Ming stopped asking. The book was magical and would leave like it had its own consciousness. Seeing that it was back, then it probably had a purpose.

Telling Louzheng to place all of his things in the locker room, he sent him away. Since Wang Ming were only experimenting the next days, he didn't need Louzheng here distracting him.

”Thanks for doing this for me Louzheng, but you can go now. Come back in three days and be ready to fight! No worries I will give you the three-day payment right now.”

Handing him the payment Wang Ming opened the book to read it.

Louzheng didn't want to take the money, since he did nothing to earn it. But seeing Wang Ming so absorbed in the book, he left and decided to give it back another day.

Opening the book Wang Ming felt shocked to see that there were almost no content in the book. All the pages were empty except from one page, which said.


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Reading the word, Wang Ming felt that there were a lot of secrets behind the word. But couldn't understand what it was. Going into his own world, Wang Ming kept staring at the word for 4 hours. Ignoring everything even his body's needs, his mind were 100% focused on the word.

Looking at the word it could mean so many things. Brewing Wine? Drinking Wine? Fermenting Wine? Cooking with Wine?

It had to be cooking with wine, but Wang Ming didn't understand what the book wanted with it. There were a lot of different ways to cook with wine, like how he used rice wine to braise the pork belly.

Wang Ming was sure that it was cooking with wine, and that's what he used the next two days on experimenting with, cooking the pork with wine.