1 The Start... (1/1)
Wang Ming sighed as he watched the fat sizzling of the skewers of pork belly. He got a headache thinking about how he and his father Wang Ping, had ended up in this situation. ”Why wouldn't he just listen to me?” Wang Ming had told Wang Ping a thousand times, that Feng Fan his father's new wife was just with him for the money. But he didn't want to listen, not until she threw divorce papers at his face and forced him to sign over his business, house, and money to her.
Feng Fan and her lawyer boyfriend had framed his father for adultery and violence against her. Wang Ming still vividly remembers the look of despair on his father's face when he saw, her mocking smile and her face, when she whispered into her boyfriend's ear that Wang Ping was a stupid monkey for believing that she loved him.
”Hello? ”
”Hello, could I please get two skewers of meat and rice?”
Wang Ming still deep in thought, didn't realize that he had a customer until he saw a face right in front of his own. Shocking him to almost falling off his chair, but he managed to stabilize before falling off. That's when he got a good look at the person scaring him.
It was Lang Lin, a regular customer at his food stand. Lang Lin was any walking man's dream. She looked roughly like 20-30 years old, a beautiful symmetrical face with sharp and elegant black and brown eyes. She's around 170 cm high thin with slender arms and legs wide hips coupled with a great ass big and heart-shaped. Breast larger than an orange but smaller than a pomelo.
”Right away, sister Lin, you working late again today?” Wang Ming asked before wrapping the skewers in brown parchment paper before putting them inside a bag.
”Yes, the company I work at has a lot of meetings, so as a receptionist I have to be there to greet the guests.” Lang Lin said as she took the food from Wang Ming
”Ok, 5 yuan please sister Lin and please take care.” Wang Ming had to admit that sister Lin, had a special aura surrounding her, which gave Wang Ming a great feeling and distracting him from all his negative thoughts. Even though they never said anything special to each other, other than some polite words. ”Here you go.” Lang Lin said as she smiled and walked away, it was something about that smile that just sped up Wang Ming's heartbeat, but he knew that she would always and only be a dream of his.
After Lang Lin went away, Wang Ming decided to not mull on his problems anymore. He just had to take step after step to rebuild his father's restaurant chain. He felt confidence and burning motivation coursing through his body, just to get put out by the shouting coming from the other side of the street. It was the start of the month, so that meant that the food stands on this street had to pay protection fees. Business had not been good this past month because of all the thugs roaming around scaring customers.
Wang Ming saw three men walking behind an ugly looking man his face just like a monkey. The man's name is also Monkey, but no one dares to call him that and everybody calls him Brother Hou. He's the local bully and controls this part of Fen Zhong. Anyone doing business in this part of Fen Zhong has to give Brother Hou face unless they don't want to do business anymore.
They walked around the street and collected protection money. Everything went as usual until Brother Hou stopped at Grandpa Lou's stand. Grandpa Lou's food stand was on the other side of the street so he couldn't see what was going on, but he could hear Brother Hou shout that ”if Grandpa Lou didn't pay up, he would wreck Grandpa Lou's food stand.”
Wang Ming didn't want to get in trouble with Brother Hou, but Granda Lou had helped him when he first started working on this street. Wang Ming had excellent cooking skills but lacked social abilities. Wang Ming still remembered the first time Brother Hou demanded protection fees from Wang Ming. He had just started selling on this street, and it was Grandpa Lou that helped him and paid Brother Hou for him. So Wang Ming cast away all his hesitation and ran over to Grandpa Lou's food stand to see them beating up on Grandpa Lou. ”Please stop the beating!” Wang Ming screamed, scaring the thugs and Brother Hou.
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”Stop being a busybody, and get back to your stand unless you don't want to sell here any more.” Brother Hou said while throwing Wang Ming to the side. ”Please let me pay for him. I don't think he can take much more of this. You don't want problems with the police, right?” Wang Ming pleaded, only to see Brother Hou grinning at him then laughing while he said, ”In this part of the city, I AM KING. Who would dare to offend me? Especially not because of an old man in the last years of his life. But since you want to help him so much, I'll let you take his place beat the shit out of him boys!” After Brother Hou's words ended, the thugs started to move.
Wang Ming had never fought in a battle before, and instinctively tried to protect his face. But before he had a chance, he got hit right in the jaw knocking him to the ground. After that, everything became dull and slow. The only thing Wang Ming knew was to protect his head. The thugs didn't care and started to kick and stomp on Wang Ming's body. Wang Ming didn't know how long the stomping went on, but after the first hits, he couldn't feel his body anymore just the impacts of their feet. He grounded his teeth and just tried to stay awake. The only thing that kept him awake was how his father would do without him, the humiliation and revenge. He could still feel the stomps going on, one hitting him straight in the chest suffocating him, another one right on his knee, and they just kept coming.
He was starting to feel despair ”is this how I'm going to die?”. But then he heard the sound of Grandpa Lou Kowtowing to Brother Hou till his head started to bleed, ”Shouting out, please stop them, Brother Hou I will give you all my money.” Before stuffing 50 yuan into Brother Hou. Finally, relief came when I heard Brother Houshouting, ”Stop! Consider yourself lucky kid, next time I see you it won't just end like this get out of my street! Let's go fuck some chicks guys with the money this old man kindly donated” Before Wang Ming succumbed to the darkness, he vowed to two things revenge and to never let someone hurt the people he close to him.