20 Itll be a ball (1/2)
Hours later, at lunch, everyone arrived at sat in the cliques. The tails, the claws, maids and butlers, outdoor servants, and the almairusks.
”Now, if I remember correctly, there's 6 days until the ball.” Chao groaned and put her hands over her ears. Serenus glanced at Neutrum and following that, he uncovered Chao's ears. ”We have to come up with a theme today to send it out by linner time.”
Chao groaned again but since her hands were imprisoned by Neutrum's, she resorted to closing her eyes and looking up at the ceiling. Serenus was amused and went up to her ear. ”Sweetheart, this is the first step to beginning the plan.” Neutrum continued in her other ear making her heart race even more since both of them were teasing her ears with their breath. ”Don't you dare back out before the show's even started. We have an entire world to conquer.”
As if a switch had been flipped, Chao's eyes flashed open and her lips curved into a dangerous sneer. ”You don't need to remind me. Why don't we do a masquerade ball? It'll allow us to justifiably hide our appearances and forces from the outsiders. This will be the foundation of our organization. We'll use this as a start. When we're well-known, our signature looks will be enough to scare people to death.” Neutrum had let go of her hands as the manic energy built up. When she was finished, he kissed her, bringing her back to a controlled state.
Serenus pouted and stole a kiss from Chao. She cheekily smiled before grabbing a bell that was on their table and ringing it, ”May I have everyone's attention?” As expected, heads turned to the eye-catching table of three. Smiling kindly, Serenus spoke, ”As some of you may know, a ball has been planned to take place in 6 days. It's been determined that theme will be a masquerade ball. This is the time to straighten out your uniforms. This is the time to make us proud and present your most powerful selves to the guests. I trust you all will not let us down.”
Everyone's hearts were racing and the adrenaline began rising as they listened. Making them proud! They would be representatives of their Masters, teachers, and idols! They all understood the underlying messages. 'Crush them to death! Show our superiority!'
'We can't allow them to think that we can be pushed around. Don't be rude to them. Welcome them cordially.'
'Don't give them a reason to mock us. Don't embarrass us.'
They could hear all three encouraging them according to their personality. The last statement, of course, was spoken by all three of them as motherly and fatherly figures.
At the tails' table, they began their discussion. Inrigo began, ”I think we should have actual tails.”
Spitting out his orange juice, Ventus whisper-shouted ”You're still too young to have that kind of fetish!” Smacking him on the back of his head, Tellus admonished him ”You're a thousand years too young to be lecturing a child as a child yourself. Now shut up fool.”
Rolling his eyes, Inrigo continued, ”I don't mean any fluffy or cutsey tails. I'm referring to a scaley, devilish one. Those three aren't exactly categorizable. It should be in their colors.” Solis nodded in agreement and Meteorum spoke up, ”What about the masks?”
This time, Caligo spoke, ”Why don't we theme them after our names?”
Nubis followed up, ”It would be a lot easier and it gives us more names than we could count, meaning more identities to hide behind.” Noctis and the rest hummed in agreeance and decided to start the masks as a class project assignment. Cometes would go to Gladys and get permission for them to be graded.