Chapter 148: Village of Sleeplessness (1/2)
Given that it was Calvin's first day as the member of the Cavaliers, it was physically impossible for a medallion to be created for him.
Thankfully, the Mission Order had the stamp of the church and it should be sufficient to prove his identity as a part of the Cavaliers. Ron Samuel, Ashlynn, Bruce, and James Branzuela all accompanied Calvin to the Southernmost gates of Ashmelion.
”You take care now.”
”I will...”
Ron Samuel didn't say a lot, he was bad with farewells so he had no idea what to say in these moments.
The wagon that Calvin was about to board had the City of Laguna as its final destination. Laguna was the capital city of Joselian. Travelling there from Ashmelion would take almost six months. This was why the wagon that carried passengers to Laguna from its origin point was significantly bigger from the carriage taxis that one would see scattered in Ashmelion.
The wagon was almost the size of a studio apartment in modern-day Earth.
Given how huge it was, it should be pretty comfortable to be in it if not for the fact that there were dozens of people in one wagon and the suspension of the wheels that carried the wagon was a little more than garbage. One could still sleep on the cold hard wooden floors of the wagon, but it was pretty much impossible to feel comfortable in it.
The journey to the Village of Tulog would only take a day for Calvin since he chose this type of carriage.
After waving his farewell to the others, Calvin quickly boarded the carriage.
He pulled out his notebook and started scribbling away.
The scenery was quite boring, it was all green; the same generic assembly of trees so there was pretty much nothing to see.
Calvin eventually closed his notebook when his wrist started to hurt, he let out a sigh and watched the green scenery pass by.
”As expected, I really am not someone suitable for slow travels like this... I really underestimated the scale of distances in Las Felipinas and how big it really is... But to be honest, I can't possibly blame myself. Back then, even though I had the weakest class, when I came out of Ashmelion to explore the world, I was already strong to the point that I could cross distances considerably faster than a wagon like this...”
”And that is on foot!”
Calvin let out a chuckle.
He stared out of the window and he eventually got bored. He couldn't help but remember the times when he was travelling from the Forest of Everlasting Light to Ashmelion. The journey was as droll as this one, but back then, he had someone to talk to. If he knew someone on this trip, or he had someone familiar with him, then he might have started a conversation at the least.
In the end, Calvin ended up reminiscing about the times that he spent on Earth as well as his plans in the future.
The wagon continued on its journey and Calvin yawned, he was getting tired.
His eyes subconsciously shited to the other passengers around him.
Most of them had the signature darkened skin of the citizens of Ashmelion. But there was one man in particular that attracted Calvin's attention. It was a person clad in the robes of a Priest. As to how Calvin knew that the man was a Priest? It was because of the generic get-up that he had and the discoloured cape on his back.
From the looks of it, he seemed to be a part of the Church of All-Encompassing Light. The crystal orb strapped around his waist served as enough proof that he was a member of the Church of All-Encompassing Light. The usage of crystal orbs imbued with the divine light of the Goddess was the signature weapon of choice for the Priest of the church.
In short, there was no doubt in Calvin's mind that this man was a Priest from the Church of All-Encompassing Light.
For some reason, this Priest had a particular look of excitement on his face.
Calvin thought for a while but he couldn't understand why this Priest looked so excited. In the end, he turned his head away and stared at the scenery once again. There was one young man whom he wanted to have a conversation with beside him, but it seemed that this young man was asleep.
Letting out a sigh, Calvin turned his attention to the world outside, but before he could even fall into his daydreams and internal soliloquy, the wagon suddenly stopped. They had arrived at one of the checkpoints dedicated for caravans throughout the lands of Las Felipinas, yet none of the passengers walked out.
”Is there anyone in there that wants to have fun for a while?” The driver suddenly asked.
None of the passengers replied. Aside from the Priest who almost immediately stood up and walked out of the carriage. When he returned, he was dragging with him an attractive woman with a pair of long black hair. The woman was clad in usual clothes of commoners and there was a scared, yet determined look on her face.
”Wait, are you planning on bringing her inside?” The driver who looked to be a middle-aged man asked with a frown.
The Priest clicked his tongue and hurled a banknote to the driver.
”I don't accept paper not-”
”That note is a guaranteed note. I am sure that you know what I mean, right?” The Priest didn't even wait for the driver's reply as he dragged the woman into the wagon and amidst the eyes of everyone, he made her sit down on the floor as he asked.
”What is your name?”
The Priest's voice was strangely gentle.
”Uhmmm... I'm Cherry.”
”Oh, Cherry... What a good name... It definitely fits you, especially when I heard about your circumstances from the lady boss.”
”T-Thank you...”
”What about it, are you comfortable with these dozens of eyes watching you?”
”I-I don't know...” The woman averted her gaze, she seemed to be hesitant about something.
”Don't worry, I am a disciple of the Goddess, so I would never force myself onto someone. However, considering that I've already paid your lady boss to borrow you for a month's time while I'm in Laguna, I really hope that you would be considerate towards me, okay?” The Priest moved closer to the woman. His tone was still gentle, but the slight smile on his face made him look sinister.
Calvin started to frown, 'what was about to happen?'
He had a lot of experiences in the world of Las Felipinas, but this was the first time that he saw such a peculiar scene. Unsure of what to do, or if he should even do something. He remained as a spectator.
”Okay... Uhmm, please take care of me...”
”Good, good, you don't have to worry about anything. In fact, you are quite lucky. You are about to experience something that not a lot of women are able to experience.” The Priest carried the woman in a princess carry and placed her beside the window. Then, the Priest reached out under the woman's stop and started to fondle, eliciting a small moan from the woman.
Calvin watched with a frown on his face until he realized that the Priest had removed the woman's underwear.
Calvin was about to stand up to stop what was happening when the sleeping young man behind him stopped him just in time.
”Don't do it...”
”What?” Calvin turned to look at the young man who had woken up.
By this time the Priest had already started pounding away and the pained moans of the woman were already starting to fill up the wagon. The other passengers didn't seem to be particularly disturbed as to what was happening, but the other women in the carriage didn't dare to look at the scene out of courtesy.
Meanwhile, the hearts of the other men in the carriage began pounding hard.
Calvin sat back on the floor.
He knew that prostitution was the norm in the poverty-stricken lands of Ashmelion, but he really didn't expect that they would be this open about it. Eventually, he managed to recover from his shock soon enough but when he turned around to look at the young man and ask him as to why he had stopped him on doing something about it, the young man had beaten him to the chase.